discussione: Talk
CriscoWild3 years ago

@SioN No, nothing like that lol. I think that'd be an unnecessary flex; most moderators probably know how to do it.

discussione: Talk
CriscoWild3 years ago

@K_O_G I can show you how to do it if you'd like. It's pretty simple and IMO only takes a couple of minutes to learn and pull off.

discussione: Talk
CriscoWild3 years ago

If prompted to time your attempts, how long do you suppose it'd take you to set up a pair of sub-categories within a category?

You'd need to...

  1. Name the variable.
  2. Name the two values.
  3. Set a default sub-category and make sure that any runs without a value were set to the default.
  4. Set the "Level" and "Category" settings properly.
  5. Turn on "Use as sub-category".

Five steps. Any predictions on how much time it might take? I have my own ideas about that, but I'd like to hear what you think.

discussione: The Site
CriscoWild3 years ago

One interesting additional piece of information you could add to this thread is: how many of the games they mod do they also have a PB in? If any particular user lacks a PB in one or more of the games, that could be more potential evidence of mod farming.

KaweedFul, Wrap e 3 Altri ti piace questo
discussione: Talk
CriscoWild3 years ago

I think @SEGA should do a speedrun of every Sega game there is.

Pear, Ivory e 2 Altri ti piace questo
CriscoWild3 years ago

@huds601 "Seriously Crisco, do you write essays as a response to every little thing someone says?"

I write as much as I feel is necessary to properly reply to someone. There's no reason why that should bother you.

"Does every little comment really need to be analysed in such a way?"

No. That's why I don't reply to every little comment.

"Do you not see that everything you are doing is talking you further and further from getting the board you want?"

No, I don't see that. Any back and forth between third parties in this chat should have no effect on the amount of free time any of the mods have in a given day. Since they've said they'd get around to it when they had time, I don't really see correlation there between the unnecessary arguments and the lack of sub-category. Do you have any reason to believe the mods were being dishonest when they said under what conditions they'd set it up?

"The mods are under no obligation to give you a board, regardless of whether conditions are satisfied or not."

Sure, I guess. If they don't mind lying to me, Grimmy, and Cyber, yeah they could just walk away. I can't think of a good reason why they'd choose to do that though, as it just prolongs this unnecessary drama.

"All you're doing is antagonising people..."

That's not true. Every message I've sent in this thread, aside from the posts featuring the VODs that are to be added to the new board, have been responses to people who direct messages at me. If you don't like talking to me, stop talking to me. No one's forcing you to engage in this drama. It should have always just been between the runners and the moderators anyway. If certain people involved in this didn't always feel the need to ask for others to come running to her/his defense, this thread would be an entire page shorter. You antagonize yourselves by entering into the discussion and allowing yourselves to get worked up over it. Just walk away.

"You're just going to give them reason to NOT do it!"

Hey man, like I've said before, I'm not on a schedule. If the mods would prefer to expose themselves as liars and bad at their jobs than take 90 seconds to set up a sub-category for Sonic 4, that's their prerogative and I can't stop them. I don't even like the game to begin with. It's not the end of my world if this sub-category never gets set up. I'm here out of principle more than love for the game. We can wait another month, another two months, another three months, etc. until every one of you finally starts to realize that they had no intention of setting this up in the first place, that the whole problem is them being inefficient, lazy, and all up in their feelings about me rather than Crisco being toxic, and that any number of people would be better suited to mod this board. Maybe you'll even be one of them, who knows? Six months down the line, it might be Huds601 setting up All Episodes All Emeralds for me. Wouldn't that be something?

CriscoWild3 years ago

@Zanon "your friend there, whom apparently has been spending his time attacking and harassing people privately, then feigning ignorance when that's brought up."

That's not true and I'd ask that you not claim it was. I don't harass or attack, I merely ask for what I want. People who don't like the idea of actually having to do work as a mod may choose to take my requests as attacks, but that doesn't make it the truth.

The BashPrime quote is not accurate. I never demanded the category but I did express interest in it. If I recall, I had started the conversation by asking why no one had set it up yet and pointing out that it makes sense to make one given the general proclivity of speedrunners to engage in trilogy runs (Sonic, Mega Man, Spyro, Crash, etc.). The idea that none of them were interested is also not accurate; while they seemed uninterested in setting the board up until someone had done runs, they also within six months (again, IIRC) had organized a 10-ish person race of the Prime trilogy. The interest and skill level was there, I simply suggested it earlier than they were prepared for and because I was new to the community, they took offense because they felt like I had to pay my dues before I could have an opinion on something. Elitism reared its head. I don't recall being rude or combative. Some people will remember it differently though and some people will interpret things I say in ways I don't intend, just like now.

"...demand a leaderboard/category: if he gets it, he abandons it. If he doesn't get it, he goes full 5 year old with a tantrum, then pretends he's the victim."

Uh, no? What board/category have I successfully gotten made and then abandoned? I've done runs of every single one. I'm not known as the kind of runner who sticks to one game and grinds out WRs. If you're expecting me never to move on from a specific game, you don't know me well.

"...your friend has no right to come to a community he's been banned from..."

Again, wasn't "banned" from anything I was even a part of in the first place and that didn't happen until after my request was made, so you should probably abandon that ship.

"He knows fully well he was banned and what for."

Yeah, I know now that someone showed it to me. Why would I have known prior to this? I wasn't even in that Discord server and whomever "banned" me from it didn't bother to message me elsewhere to let me know. That "ban" was strictly done to make themselves feel better and/or sully my name in a place where I couldn't defend myself because I wasn't there. It was petty.

"This is not a "they have to do it within 21 days " rule. This is a guideline"

Zanon, what do you think happens after 21 days? You must understand that generally speaking, especially as it relates to verifying runs anyway, after 21 days of inactivity a moderator is thought to be at risk of being actioned on by SRC staff. People get replaced as mods all the time due to that rule. In effect, mods do have to act within that time frame because that is what SRC has deemed to be reasonable. Now, whether or not that applies to creating categories is a different matter entirely but in the absence of a hard ruling on that subject, I choose to apply the general standard of 21 days.

"...usually "normal" people will understand and wait, instead of constantly bombarding them with private messages..."

Waited 30+ days, didn't I? Didn't "constantly bombard" anyone with anything. Whoever told you otherwise legitimately lied to you, and if nobody told you that and you're making it up via your own assumptions, you're severely mistaken. As explained in earlier posts, "there was either a 37 day gap or a 42 day gap between" my only two communications with FlyingFox and "a 41 day gap between communications" with FocusSight. So, whether intentionally or not, you're being misleading right now.

"...while pretending "this is the mods' fault" and that "they should always be available 24/7" for him..."

Reminder that those are not direct quotes from me. Those are things I haven't said.

CriscoWild3 years ago

@Teeejj "...this isn't the first time you've been pulled up for something like this. You were called out for the same thing by members of the Metroid Prime community."

I don't actually think I know what you're referring to here. You'll have to go into further detail to refresh my memory.

CriscoWild3 years ago

@Iona_Rose "Im "ignoring" it because in the context of this thread all ive seen you be so far is a whiny brat because something wasnt done as soon as you wanted it to be."

I understand. You're not aware of the full context of the situation. In that case, I can't blame you.

So, the initial request was made between May 10th and May 11th via a brief DM involving me and FlyingFox. You can see a link to a screenshot of that DM in this thread. After that DM concluded on May 11th, I did not speak to FlyingFox again in any capacity until June 18th, if you count making this thread and directing it at no one in particular. If you only count my response to FlyingFox's post directed at me, I hadn't spoken to her again until June 23rd. That means there was either a 37 day gap or a 42 day gap between our only two communications regarding this matter, depending on what you go with. That's plenty patient.

Later on May 11th, after the FlyingFox conversation, FocusSight chose to DM me on Discord and we had a conversation there. By the end of it, he'd committed to setting up the sub-category, both in DMs to me and in DMs to GrimmyHunter. Once those conversations were finished, I hadn't messaged him again until June 22nd when I asked if he'd seen this thread. That's a 41 day gap between communications. Again, plenty patient.

"Saying you will "message every single moderator to find free time" is also incredibly uneccessary."

Not from my perspective. You have to understand what things look like from my point of view to grasp why I do what I do. From where I'm sitting, I've waited over a month for FlyingFox and FocusSight to get done what they said they would have, and it didn't work. When you're reliant on somebody else to do a job and it doesn't get done, you have to decide: do I want to give up or do I want to find another way? I choose to find another way. The easiest path to victory is to simply pick another moderator and ask them to set it up, as they all have the ability to do so. It isn't unnecessary at all, it is in fact super necessary if I want to achieve my goal.

CriscoWild3 years ago

@Iona_Rose "@CriscoWild "You could have done it in the time it took you to make that post."

That, is not being patient so dont even try it"

Why do you overlook the 43 days aspect of this when you make a comment about my alleged lack of patience? That's a choice you're making and I don't understand it.

CriscoWild3 years ago

@BenInSweden - What you've just done is very inappropriate. I told you that anyone could see those if they wanted to but that it'd be better to keep them off of this thread due to the negativity within. By introducing those to this thread, especially after I'd expressed that I didn't want them here, you've shown that your interest here isn't to solve a problem but to create drama. I'd ask that you stop now.

CriscoWild3 years ago

@Iona_Rose "You know instead of doing all this shite you could have just...waited. People even said they would get on it, you can be patient I'm sure"

I have been waiting. From May 11th until now, it's been 43 days. In fact, I'm content to keep waiting. if you notice the early part of the thread before everyone started coming at me with all this aggression, the only comments I made at first were for the purpose of posting run VODs so the mods knew they were available. After that, when each mod went out of their way to let me know it'd get done when they had time, I pointed out that they could have set it up in the time it took to make each of their posts. The conversation could have stopped there but other people who aren't runners and aren't moderators decided to get involved and make things heated. I'm tots down to be patient, just I have been already.

CriscoWild3 years ago

@BenInSweden "Rather than playing the "I'm innocent" card, maybe you should include all the discord DMs aswell."

I've never claimed to be innocent, first of all. Second, I'd be happy to show them to you or anyone else off of SRC if FocusSight doesn't mind it. Both of us were heated in that conversation and could have been nicer to each other, but I said what I said and I won't hide it. That being said though, I'm not going to share it here because of how negative the conversation was. I don't want to bring that negativity into this specific thread. DM me on Discord if you want to talk about it further.

CriscoWild3 years ago

@Teeejj "Crisco, your entitled attitude is disgusting."

I don't feel entitled to anything. You may interpret it that way, but that's not reflective of what's inside me. Asking for a sub-category doesn't show entitlement to it, it shows interest in it. Asking that mods (and as an extension, people in general) stick to their word doesn't show entitlement to that, it shows interest in an ideal of people being honest and truthful with one another.

" one is on your schedule and everyone has a life outside of this."

I don't have a schedule. The schedule I try to hold people accountable to is the one SRC has set up for itself, the 21 days rule. That was their idea, not mine. It's arbitrary and just as easily could have been 14 days or 28 days, but they went with 21 so that's what I go with. I'm totally fine with the idea that the mods can get around to making this category whenever they have the time. I've asked each of them when that might be so I can get an idea of when to expect the category to be made. The thing that people maybe don't get is, if you're a mod and don't handle your responsibilities within 21 days, you're looked at as not doing your job. That's just how it is. We're not 21 days into this debacle, we're 43 days into it. Consider that there's nine mods and the task itself takes maybe 90 seconds. That's 90 seconds that one of nine needs to find in their day across a month and a half. 43 days is 1,032 hours. That's 61,920 minutes and we only needed maybe two of them. Inefficiency. You may not want to admit it, but that's what it is. If nine people can't do two minutes of work in 43 days, you need more people or you need better people. Sorry if that hurts someone's feelings, and it's certainly not my intent to, but it's true.

"Keep this up and you can probably look forward to a ban."

I don't expect to be banned from a board simply for asking for a sub-category, so that won't be what does it. I also don't think that expecting people to hold up their ends of the bargain is banworthy, so I'm not terribly concerned. What I would suggest is that if there are moderators out there who would attempt to ban me for these actions, and it's pre-meditated on their parts, which it seems to be 'cause y'all are talking about it as if it's a threat to keep me silenced and keep me from exposing truths, I'd be more worried about SRC staff coming down on y'all than on me. I could be wrong in my interpretation and maybe that's just me being idealistic and wanting to see corruption be punished, but that's how I see it. These boards are supposed to belong to everyone, and there's nothing I've said on these threads that crosses any kind of line. You guys on the other hand are engaged in a 6v1, threatening bans, linking years-old slander threads, name-calling, banning me from stuff I'm not even in. And all this because I asked for a place to put a speedrun. Isn't that a bit much?

CriscoWild3 years ago

@Jimmy_Diamonds "It's just a videogame, chief."

Sure is.

"Also - the mods are people and would like to enjoy their own lives without having someone messaging them because of a temper tantrum."

No temper here. I asked for a thing, they said they'd do it. A deal was in place and they didn't back up their end of the bargain. As I've suggested before, the idea of "mods have lives" and all that doesn't apply here. If this was a speedrun awaiting verification as opposed to a request for a sub-category, SRC staff would have intervened by now because they've taken way longer than 21 days to act.

"They are not beholden to your schedule nor anyone else's..."

Well, maybe not beholden to my schedule, which to be clear, I don't have one. Like Captain America, I can do this all day. They are beholden to SRC's rules though. Does that necessarily apply here? IDK. But let's not pretend they have complete free reign. This isn't their site.

" don't get to demand that they take a 'minute' of their own time (which is voluntary offered, of course) because it's something you desire."

Never demanded, simply requested and pointed out each time they said they didn't have time that they could have done it in the time it took to tell me off, which is true.

"...previous history of harassment..."

Such as?

"...I would not blame Cyber, Focus et all if they decided to take even longer..."

I mean, they could do that. They've already said they'd do it when they had time and we know that hasn't panned out, so they might be doing it already. If they don't mind painting themselves as inefficient for the sake of continuing a petty one-sided grudge, that's their prerogative. I just want the category set up and I expect people to do what they say they'll do. That's not too much to ask.

"...your condescending attitude indicates that you are not deserving of their respect, as you clearly don't respect them."

Respect doesn't factor into this for me. I'm here for results, not feelings and emotions. I want a sub-category, not a best friend. I don't mind if the mods dislike me and they shouldn't mind if I dislike them. All that matters is, can we be civil enough to get through this and then go our separate ways? I say yes but I only speak for myself.

CriscoWild3 years ago

@BenInSweden Alright, so to be clear, that message you've shown is from a Discord I wasn't in at the time. Banning me from a Discord I'm not in, and thus haven't acted inappropriately in, is petty. Also, it's dated May 14th, which means it would have come as a result of either the messages I sent to FlyingFox in DMs, which aren't harassment at all and are quite civil on my part, or the conversation that FocusSight started with me, which can't be counted as harassment either because, as I said, he started it. That means this ban is purely due to hurt feelings on the part of one or both of them and not due to anything negative that I've actually done. I can't say I'm surprised either of them would act this way based on my previous interactions with them.


to disturb or bother persistently; torment, as with troubles or cares; pester"

This definition doesn't apply to my conversation with FlyingFox, nor my conversation with FocusSight.

"You revealed this was your intent here as you didn't get the result you wanted:

I'll try reaching out to each individual moderator of this board and I'll see if I can't hurry it up a bit. One of you has a spare minute coming up soon; I just need to figure out which one it is."

I said my intent was to reach out. You may choose to interpret that as me wanting to harass someone, but your interpretation doesn't translate into reality here.

For the sake of transparency, here's the DM conversation between me and FlyingFox regarding this issue. In it, you'll see no harassment. Again, please note that this is the both the start of everything as it's the first message I sent anyone regarding this sub-category as well as being the only communication I had with FlyingFox between then and the 14th -

Additionally, here's the message I've been sending the other mods. Again, not harassment and quite civil -

CriscoWild3 years ago

@Zanon "Fancy seeing you here, Crisco. :>"

Hey. I don't know who you are, but hey.


I suspect that you don't actually know the history behind the thread that this link references but I'd be happy to discuss it in its entirety on a separate thread, in voice chat, or on stream somewhere with you. In any event, it's entirely irrelevant to the topic at hand: creation of a sub-category for All Episodes, All Emeralds. If you're simply using it as a method to smear my name and distract from the conversation, that's not going to work.

CriscoWild3 years ago

@flyingfox "Both requirements hadn't been met till about 5 days ago looking at this thread."

Well, that's certainly not true. Grimmy's earliest completed run comes from May and DMs between FocusSight and GrimmyHunter from May show that the former officially recognizes the latter as having requested the category and pledging to set it up. Did Focus not tell you about that conversation? If he failed to share that information with you, that would explain you waiting. If he did tell you about it, you know you had the criteria met.

"These requirements are needed when making a board since in the past we have ended up with empty boards."

If an empty board is all you wanted to avoid, you could have made the board immediately. You had Cyber's run and Grimmy's run. Both expressed interest in posting them to a board.

"So once again be patient, we will get the board done when we have the time."

For the third time in a row between you and Cyber, you could have set the category up in the time it took you to make that post. I'm starting to suspect that you don't actually know how to do it because you're severely overestimating the amount of time it takes to do this. I may have to post instructions.

CriscoWild3 years ago

@BenInSweden "...someone banned from any community loses their voice in regards to decisions about boards..."

This seems like nonsense to me. To my knowledge, no one's ever banned me from any Sonic-themed community, nobody's ever told me otherwise up until you today, and I've never given anyone a good reason to do either. If you've got evidence to suggest that I'm banned from something, I'd love to see it. Not that it's relevant to this situation.

"Also, it may come as a shock to you but..."

This whole paragraph is irrelevant. FlyingFox, FocusSight, and Cybersonicstarzx655 have already committed in writing to making the category on behalf of not just myself, but also GrimmyHunter and Cybersonicstarzx655 himself. As early as May 11th, FocusSight told me and Grimmy he'd get it done. Fast-forward to June 23rd and it still isn't. That's inefficient work on the part of the mods.

"As stated here, it's down to the Sonic 4 mods to decide..."

And they did. The decision was that if two criteria were met (two runners with a video, one of them makes the request), they'd make the board. The decision is made, Ben. Criteria met, mission accomplished, GG. Let's get it done.

"There's no point in harassing other mods via DMs on this..."

Nothing about my DMs to those mods can be considered harassment. Perhaps you've been told otherwise by someone with a negative bias towards me who has something to gain by clouding your opinion of the situation so that she (or he?) might gain sympathy and backup. I'm happy to send you the same message I sent the rest of them so you can see it for yourself.

"...considering you already got banned from the community for doing so."

Again, pretty sure that's fake news but feel free to go into it more if you like.

CriscoWild3 years ago

Just like with Cybersonicstarzx655, it was possible for you to set it up just now when you made that post. You made a choice not to take the minute to do it.

As far as patience is concerned, I have plenty. From May 11th when I last talked to you and FocusSight up until five days ago when I posted my run, you hadn't heard from me. That's... what, 37 days worth of patience on a site where the typical threshold is 21 days?

The "mods have lives outside the site" line doesn't work when there's this many of you with this great a time span asking me not to reach out to people who might be less busy than you who could get the job done. If you can't find a minute within 40+ days, maybe you're overburdened and should consider passing the responsibility of modding this board onto someone else. There's no shortage of Sonic runners who'd volunteer, I'm sure.

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