discussione: Yumper
CanadaBeardstrength1 month ago

Makes sense and I agree with both points made. The non-Warpless categories are a total gong show now and might be off-putting to new runners encountering those as a default category.

Adding milliseconds will be a good idea because the top 3 times are already very close to each other and there is less than 2 seconds left to be saved.

BlackwoodRecordings piace questo
discussione: Chopper Attack
CanadaBeardstrength3 months ago


Originally the board combined N64 hardware and emulator runs onto one board but after recent submissions it became impossible for runs performed on hardware to achieve a new WR due to the significant advantage emulator's provide due to them not lagging (this is particularly noticeable in the underground stage).

It's difficult to say exactly how much of an advantage emulator has but based on how much this game lags, which it does a lot in every stage, it will come out to several minutes across the entire run. Given this it no longer makes sense to combine hardware and emulator now that an optimized emulator run has been submitted.

So I've added an additional category variable to split the boards up by both difficulty level and hardware/emulator.


discussione: Action 52 (NES)
CanadaBeardstrength9 months ago


I've completed a run of Crazy Shuffle so I've added it as an available category.

Have at it!

stevenqbeatz111 piace questo
discussione: Action 52 (NES)
CanadaBeardstrength9 months ago


We now have completed runs for Operation Full Moon so I have added it as an available category.

discussione: Action 52 (NES)
CanadaBeardstrength9 months ago

I did some testing and found out that it's easier to count how many enemies you've killed. After a set number of kills stop spamming and you should expect to see 1 more enemy before the boss (possibly none if you despawn one of them but that is rare).

The counts for each stage are:

Stage One: 11

Stage Two: 6

Stage Three: 5

Stage Four: 5

Stage Five: 7

Stage Six: 8

stevenqbeatz111 piace questo
discussione: Action 52 (NES)
CanadaBeardstrength9 months ago

Actually, after watching steven's failed attempt video here I noticed that spamming the fire changes how the hazardous blog things drop down which makes the run faster. So the ideal strat is to spam the shot until you're near the boss then stop to prevent a despawn. I did this by watching my timer and stopping after 1m 10s passes from the previous split.

stevenqbeatz111 piace questo
discussione: Action 52 (NES)
CanadaBeardstrength9 months ago

This piqued my interest in the game so I completed a run of Boss so I've added it was an available category on the leaderboards. The enemy spawns are always the same—the only RNG is if the stationary enemies will shoot at you or not—so you can predict when they will appear and not need to spam the fire button and risk despawning the boss.

stevenqbeatz111 piace questo
discussione: Action 52 (NES)
CanadaBeardstrength9 months ago


It came to our attention that the Rev A version of Shooting Gallery only works on emulator and does not work on hardware—regardless of use of EverDrive/PowerPak flashcart or an original Action 52 cart—and will crash after the first level or when attempting to return to the main game menu. So far as I can tell this only happens on Rev A and not Standard, but playing on Standard is significantly slower than Rev A so any runner who uses it would be penalized.

This game does not look like it would be competitive due to its design/nature, and we don't want to have emulator-only categories, so we're going to remove the Shooting Gallery category.

Here is an example of the bizarre behaviour exhibited on hardware:

stevenqbeatz111 e Zarc0nis ti piace questo
discussione: Action 52 (NES)
CanadaBeardstrength9 months ago

In my opinion any categories should be for the entire playable portion of the game—either to the end or until the game crashes or becomes literally impossible—rather than limiting the amount of completion required due to the game's difficulty. The games Illuminator and Timewarp Tickers, for example, are prohibitively difficult but koffing managed to complete them in their entirety so the same can be done with Meong with sufficient effort.

stevenqbeatz111 piace questo
discussione: Action 52 (NES)
CanadaBeardstrength10 months ago

I've added Lazer League as a new category and submitted this run.

stevenqbeatz111 piace questo
discussione: Action 52 (NES)
CanadaBeardstrength10 months ago


Sorry about the late reply. SRC didn't send me a notification and I missed this post.

I've added Space Dreams as a category and submitted this run for you.


stevenqbeatz111 piace questo
CanadaBeardstrength1 year ago

This is an old thread that I missed, but I fully support removing the rule regarding credits and allowing any number of credits to be used for runs. Having extra credits doesn't give any advantage—it just makes it easier to finish a run. As noted above any death will guarantee that a WR is impossible.

RyuHayabusa89 piace questo
discussione: Kubo
CanadaBeardstrength1 year ago

I did some digging and so far as I can tell the Evercade is an entirely separate system from the NES. It is extremely unlikely that the game performs identically to its NES counterpart.

Given the above I added a separate subcategory for choosing the platform to keep NES and Evercade runs isolated onto their own listings.


Note that the changes only apply to the first Kubo game leaderboard. I don't moderate Kubo 2 or Kubo 3.

discussione: Kubo
CanadaBeardstrength1 year ago


Sorry about the late response. SRC doesn't have any way to notify moderators when a forum post is made.

I've never heard of Evercade before so I will have to first confirm that playing on Evercade is identical to NES before adding it as an available console.

discussione: Troll Burner
CanadaBeardstrength1 year ago


I am not the moderator of this board but I do moderate a handful of other NES game boards.

It is standard across all retro console leaderboards (e.g. NES, SNES, Sega Genesis, Game Boy, PlayStation, Nintendo 64) to use the recorded video framerate to calculate run times and not the native console framerate.

Using the native console framerate has two primary issues:

  1. Emulators do not run at an identical framerate and most retro leaderboards allow emulators. There needs to be a consistent way to time both original hardware and emulator.

  2. There is no guarantee the recorded video will be recorded at 60FPS. Some capture cards only support recording at 30FPS which would affect the resulting time if the equation NUMBER_OF_FRAMES / CONSOLE_FRAMERATE is used.

Ultimately what you are looking at is not the frames rendered by the console. It is those frames captured on a computer then rendered a second time into a video file so it is those video file frames that are used to determine the run's length. As well the difference cited is literally less than the length of a single frame—and doesn't change anything other than the number associated with the run—so in my opinion it shouldn't be a barrier to speedrunning this game.

discussione: Super Uwol
CanadaBeardstrength1 year ago

That was very entertaining. Well done. Some of those damage boosts being maintained are bonkers. I knew that the speed increase can be maintained indefinitely (provided you don't stop) but doing so while also navigating a level is virtually impossible for a human. I love it.

Those fancy spike jumps are indeed frame perfect. I've only managed to execute them a handful of times. They might be a viable YOLO strat to try to recover a dead run but I certainly wouldn't recommend trying them on PB pace—the time loss is enormous of you don't make it.

Going left at the start of 2-2 and doing the level backwards was a bit faster, not sure if it would translate to RTA though.

I experimented with that a few weeks ago and I wasn't able to reliably execute that strat fast enough to save time. The enemies kept getting in my way (particularly the Frankenstein's monster head).

baggypantsman piace questo
discussione: The Site
CanadaBeardstrength1 year ago

@SkittlesCat Because while some of the changes that were made I do not care for—such as the new history viewer—I recognize that they will have utility for others.

Grapevine, Gaming_64 e 3 Altri ti piace questo
CanadaBeardstrength1 year ago

This new layout is hideous, is slower, has bugs, has fewer features, and is more difficult to use because everything is too big (it might work on mobile but this is terrible on desktop).

I am happy I never wasted any money as a supporter after this nonsense update.

Glitchedblood, de_oScar, e smartalec24 ti piace questo
discussione: The Site
CanadaBeardstrength1 year ago

The site is now slower and more difficult to use. This update made the UI/UX significantly worse. Everything is now oversized and looks terrible on desktop.

Why were recent runs removed from leaderboards? That was a useful feature.

I've also never seen this site crash with random errors until now.

I do not like anything about this update.

Grapevine, Streetbackguy e 2 Altri ti piace questo
discussione: The Site
CanadaBeardstrength1 year ago

2/10 — No new features were added that I want and features I used to use are now gone. This was a bad update.

Grapevine, Gaming_64 e 4 Altri ti piace questo
Info su Beardstrength
2 years ago
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Super Dodge Ball
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Action 52 (NES)
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Action 52 (NES)
Action 52 (NES)
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