discussione: ROBLOX: Speed Run 4
United StatesBeanos1 year ago

I believe in them.

discussione: ROBLOX: Speed Run 4
United StatesBeanos1 year ago

So I've never made my own forum about the verification times because I understood the whole situation. Firstly, many of the mods here straight up just don't verify, meaning that 9 mods is a deceiving number. Others are busy-- busy with school, busy with jobs, busy with other run ques (moderator in more than just this game), busy with their own speedruns, etc. Which is understandable, don't let moderating ruin your days. But no worries, the run que is only several hundred runs so that's fun right.


2 months is a little bit excessive... This is a game with over 12k runs and I understand that, but literally no run has been verified whatsoever in 3 weeks. And it was verified by Ivory, who recently announced he won't be doing much in the sr4 community very much. 0 runs in 3 weeks with ~100 active players gives me the very logical impression that things are going to get pretty annoying if this isn't announced.

I'm not like agh let's all hate the mods and bug them, because most the mods here have verified hundreds of runs-- many 20 minutes or higher-- throughout their time. But I, alongside others, would be very grateful if there were some new moderators added. It's been a while since applications, and new members have entered the community. I'm fine if the que really is 2 months if runs are consistently verified and the situation is given attention and is being attempted to be solved. But 9 mods, no verifications in 3 weeks and no attempts to get new moderators isn't that.

To summarize, please consider moderator applications. Thanks!

Skibblo_, iDekux e 2 Altri ti piace questo
discussione: ROBLOX: Speed Run 4
United StatesBeanos1 year ago

Leche but if there are only two mods, even if they weren't busy it wouldn't be viable to verify everything. I think we simply need more mods.

discussione: ROBLOX: Speed Run 4
United StatesBeanos1 year ago

Listen, I'm not one to complain about the mod situation but...

Yeah, its an excessive wait time, and it's been quite a long time since any new mods have been added. Something they often do is clear all the runs out some random day, and I think that causes long wait times if you submited your run after they had just done that.

The general rule is like 2 weeks, but since I knew the situation I was like alright whatever I'll give them longer, but far past a month seems plain dumb knowing that no efforts have been made to recruit new moderators. Heck, Ivory, who literally said "...this is where my journey as a moderator will stop." has been the most recent verifier... I'm not trying to say agh the mods suck but! but rather I think we need some more verifiers since the game is so popular and it's very difficult to handle with just a few.

discussione: Super Blocky Ball
United StatesBeanos1 year ago

now, I'm not entirely sure who you are as im pretty inactive, but wild guess may be because you insult other runner's times

discussione: ROBLOX: Speed Run 4
United StatesBeanos2 years ago

I forgor where mod is! they should watch frame by frame 249148th place runs to make sure u no cheat tho

Ivory piace questo
discussione: Super Blocky Ball
United StatesBeanos2 years ago

among us

discussione: Super Blocky Ball
United StatesBeanos2 years ago

what's up?

discussione: ROBLOX: Cool Obby 2
United StatesBeanos2 years ago

ok and?

discussione: ROBLOX: Speed Run 4
United StatesBeanos2 years ago

Just realized not mod application oops

Encripted piace questo
discussione: ROBLOX: Speed Run 4
United StatesBeanos2 years ago

Ok, so I could mod again I really try to work this time instead of what you said, failing after 3 days. You could spam ping me to remind me if you really needed. Honestly I couldn't've cared less but now it takes like 3 weeks to get your run verified lol

discussione: ROBLOX: Speed Run V
United StatesBeanos2 years ago

so why 45 levels instead of all of them kind of weird is there a particular reason

discussione: ROBLOX: Speed Run 4
United StatesBeanos3 years ago

i fell acomphlishd

sage211 piace questo
United StatesBeanos3 years ago

I think I would make for an excellent moderator I thought we had things under control though, whenever I clicked on a new pending run it was already verified or something.

AceSokolov, Snyvie7 e 3 Altri ti piace questo
discussione: ROBLOX: Speed Run 4
United StatesBeanos3 years ago

2 reasons for this

  1. The player was changed to be smaller and therefore being of less weight
  2. The player was modified so that the hitbox would interact with the gravity coil to give you higher height and or possible lower falling speed as well
discussione: ROBLOX: Speed Run 4
United StatesBeanos3 years ago

It was not changed to a no IHG run lol

discussione: Super Blocky Ball
United StatesBeanos3 years ago

Please I also have modding experience in flood escape 2 and speed run 4 now

discussione: ROBLOX: Cool Obby 2
United StatesBeanos3 years ago

ok no offense but legitimately no one will ever find this useful

discussione: ROBLOX: Cool Obby 2
United StatesBeanos3 years ago

I make sobs and btts all the time, pretty much, spliced runs are near impossible because of all the rotating platforms. Also, every mod here except kurdkobain because I don't know them yet are very good at their jobs.

Info su Beanos
6 years ago
2 months ago
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ROBLOX: Speed Run 4
ROBLOX: Speed Run 4
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Super Blocky Ball
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Super Blocky Ball
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ROBLOX: Cool Obby 2
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