Ontario, CanadaBassilisk8 years ago

I was curious if we could add this as a category since there is a glitch that can really only be done on new game+ (Aka having already beaten the game on a character).

It was mentioned before by myself but it involves playing one level as sumner then swapping to the wizard after it. It causes the wizard to have (Even if brand new) all runestones and boss portraits unlocked which allows you to save a ton of time overall.

If someone could get back to me on this, either making it into a new category or added it onto Any% it would be much appreciated.

Ontario, CanadaBassilisk9 years ago

Just a tiny post. I think the ruling on 100% should be changed to include getting the secret characters. It adds a bit more difficulty to the run since most of the run for 100% looks like the average casual playthrough to me. Thoughts on this would be appreciated

Ontario, CanadaBassilisk9 years ago

From what I know, the games are quite different on different consoles. Specifically between PS2 and GCN since in GCN you can store items for later use at any time where as in the PS2 version you can't. I am unsure if the Xbox version has the same item system as the GCN version, but if it does I do think they should be categorized as different runs. Let's face it, saving an item like the thunder hammer for a boss is a really big deal, or a super shot with the archer. It can make the difference between a quick kill and a long fight. The items are also different, with the two latter versions having more items in them when compared to the PS2 version. This is just my opinion. If anyone else who does run it wants to put in some input, or maybe the mods, it would be much appreciated.

Info su Bassilisk
9 years ago
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Cats are Liquid - A Light in the Shadows
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Gauntlet: Dark Legacy
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Cats are Liquid - A Light in the Shadows
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Cats are Liquid - A Light in the Shadows