discussione: Touhou Luna Nights
Chiba, JapanArtemisHunt2 years ago

With the (relatively) recent revelation that 1HP Pacifist is impossible due to the Shaman room in stage 1, a call to modify the board has been brought up and I thought I'd put some stuff on the table to consider. In my personal view, since the not-New Game categories are fairly unpopular I really don't see this being tooooo much of a problem since the only people possibly looking at 1HP are like really big challenge seekers (and there are like no runs using 1HP). But if we want to do something, I have put together my ideas here.

Proposal: Status Quo 1 HP is incompatible with Pacifist Routing - All 1HP Pacifist submissions must be automatically rejected unless new tech is discovered. I'll add a line to the rules saying something like "Pacifist runs are impossible if done in 1HP mode, so don't bother" to keep thrill seekers off the board but largely there's nothing that really needs to be done.

While poking around the rules, I did come across a Low Level Boss Rush that was technically impossible to obtain outside of editing files. I did ask the runner how they did it, they confirmed this method, and while it's probably fine (in that it's a no-hit run) it's technically impossible to obtain so it should be probably be removed from the boards. But this does bring us to an interesting situation where we have to consider the low level boss rush category.

Proposal: Rule Changes Low Level Boss Rush - Remove the 100 XP line. The rest can be left alone, so long as the player is still level 4 with no gems and limited upgrades. This permits 1HP runs to make it through, they'll just have a little more than 100 EXP

In retrospect it may have been a little silly to require that you do a pacifist run since it's a low LEVEL run not a low EXP run. You do have some wiggle room between levels 4 and 5 with experience you can play with. So if we allow a Lvl 4 run with no gems, etc. to run the category, the experience shouldn't really change.

Proposal: Board Changes to all categories If we decide that we don't want to leave the board up as is, I could change it so that each run type is its own category. This results in each Full Game leaderboard having 5 sub-categories instead of 2 variables you combine to get 5 legal categories and 1 illegal category.

  1. New Game
  2. New Game Pacifist
  3. ASD
  4. ASD Pacifist
  5. 1HP

Technically the not-New Game ones wouldbe relegated to misc. as usual so not much changes but it could theoretically make submitting a run easier since you now have only 1 variable to look at instead of 2 (but due to the popularity of pacifist, probably not that big of a problem)

Of course, feel free to comment any alternatives you think would be better.

discussione: Touhou Luna Nights
Chiba, JapanArtemisHunt4 years ago

In the past we've permitted Magatama skip due to a interpretation of the fire barriers. For those that didn't know, you could damage boost through them. It was also possible to cause them to not even spawn if you press time stop before entering the room. This mechanic also exists for spiked floors. Despite the Ice Magatama traditionally being required to bypass fire barriers and being listed as a 'K' item, we didn't really view the fire barriers as a "door". So by skipping Magatama (and passing through imaginary fire barriers) we didn't interpret that as "a major skip".

When a run utilizing the skip was verified, the prior WR holder raised an objection through third party (as all runs to date did not utilize the skip) stating that the skip was a major skip and should not be permitted in a no major skips category. After much discussion re-evaluating the skip, the rules, and "what is a major skip" on the Discord, we've decided to prohibit Magatama skip for EX% NMS Steam version. The rules have been updated to reflect that. The runner who utilized the skip voluntarily removed their run before we really went through this debate. All runs currently on the board do not utilize the skip so no runs are affected by this rule change. I've also slightly modified the Microsoft version rule change to clarify that Ice Magatama must be obtained PRIOR to Dash Spike.

The Steam and Microsoft versions will remain split, since there is a solid boss fight between the two.

Chiba, JapanArtemisHunt4 years ago

Hey guys, Artemis here

We at the Touhou Luna Nights Speedrunning Discord are always interested in seeing how low can the time go. It is for this reason that as we approach the end of the year, we're putting a bounty on the world records for two of the categories. $20 USD can be yours if you can go fast and have the world record in either (or both!) Any% or Any% NMS on January 2nd 2021! (Or what will probably be December 33rd) To be eligible for this prize, you must do the following

  1. Complete this Google form: (It just makes life a lot easier for everyone involved
  2. Have an email with a working PayPal account.
  3. Have a working SRC account

All runs must be submitted to the Touhou Luna Nights SRC page by midnight January 2nd JST (UTC +9)

discussione: Touhou Luna Nights
Chiba, JapanArtemisHunt4 years ago

Hey guys :NiHiYo: Artemis here

Now that a week has passed and we've had some time to consider how we're going to treat v1.2.4.5, some changes have been made to the leaderboards. I've tried to make the changes that make the most sense and clean up the boards a bit so we don't have a bajillion (technical term) categories.

The following changes have been made:

  1. The addition of an Xbox One console to submissions
  2. 'Meme' runs are now listed as misc.
  • Meme runs include: Pacifist, ASD, and 1HP ()
  1. "Microsoft" has been added as a run type for EX% NMS, 100%, RBO
  2. For these same categories, Standard has been renamed to "Steam" In order to do changes 3 and 4 I've had to do extensive fiddling with the leaderboards (which meant the resubmission of many meme runs). If your run is missing, I'm sorry. Please resubmit it. No runs should have been removed and I'm pretty sure I got everyone but mistakes happen.

v1.2.4.5 has extra content as one may have expected. In order to obtain the Ice Magatama (K Item) one must now defeat Cirno (btw this boss fight is epic imo). Due to the inclusion of a boss on a key item no less, there are some special rules for some of the Microsoft categories:

EX% NMS Historically, Magatama Skip has been permitted in the EX% NMS category. The justification for this was that it was possible to get the Dash Knife by damage boosting through the fire barriers (and abusing game mechanics to make it safer/easier was just the most convenient way to do it). However, now that a boss has been added to the item intended to get you through these fire barriers, Ice Magatama must be considered a required item for the run.

Rules for Microsoft EX% NMS: *Complete the game including the Extra Stage as quickly as you can

Time begins on file select Time Ends when the mech closes at the end of the Extra Stage

  • To be explicitly clear: Time ends when the hat closes the mech.

You must collect all items in 'A' column:

  • Slide Knife
  • Double Jump Knife
  • Grip Knife
  • Screw Knife
  • Dash Spike

You must collect the Ice Magatama, obtained after defeating Cirno in EX Stage.

You may not use any glitch that allows you to enter parts of the game that are not normally accessible with the items in your possession.

  • An example of such a glitch would be Yellow Skip or Teal Skip. You may not use any glitch that places you out-of-bounds or allow you to enter a room by any method other than its in-bounds entrance.
  • Using the Grip Clip glitch to pass through a thin platform is allowed, but using it to exit a room through the floor is not.

All patches from v1.2.4.5 onwards are eligible.*

100% Not much really changes for 100%. All that changes is now there is an extra boss to beat. Due to this taking some extra time, it gets its own Microsoft category.

Rules for Microsoft 100%: *Complete the game including the Extra Stage as quickly as you can

Time begins on file select Time Ends when the mech closes at the end of the Extra Stage

  • To be explicitly clear: Time ends when the hat closes the mech.

You must have map completion at 100% and also have your "pause card" filled out:

  • All abilities (Slide Knife, etc.)
  • All skill cards (Chainsaw, etc.)
  • All HP, MP, and Time upgrades
  • All jewel towers broken
  • A vending machine can is thrown in every wastebin
  • All bosses (including the extra bosses) beaten.

Picking up free shop tickets or purchasing items from the store is not required.

After the run, please wait through the credits and pause the game to show your pause card.

All patches from v1.2.4.5 onwards are eligible.*

RBO RBO naturally now has an extra boss as well. I wonder how it'll impact the routing. Either way, you'll now have 1 more boss to clear in the EX Stage. Fingers crossed that you guys figure out Meiling Skip for Microsoft version(s)

Rules for Microsoft RBO: *Beat the bosses in reverse order as quickly as you can.

The accepted order is as follows:

  1. Meiling
  2. Reimu
  3. Cirno
  4. Flandre
  5. Remilia
  6. Patchouli
  7. Marisa

Time begins on file select Time ends on the last hit of the Marisa kill. You must wait through the credits after the Flandre kill (otherwise the game doesn't save)

All patches from v1.2.4.5 onwards are eligible.*

discussione: Touhou Luna Nights
Chiba, JapanArtemisHunt4 years ago

This post is for people who follow the game but may not be in the Speedrunning Discord. Recently, we had a discussion regarding mapping an input to the mousewheel. While other games do seem to permit such a binding, community consensus seems to be against it and I've decided to codify some level of keybinding ruleset.

The spirit of the rules has always been the same and while we've had examples of prohibited keybindings in the discord we've never had keybindings explicitly stated in the rules. My original intent was to allow flexibility where if you wanted to run the game using DDR dance pad that was up to you. However, recognizing that there may be a need, I've added a keybinding rule to the Touhou Luna Nights speedrun page. The rule is as following:


  1. One input = one output
  • This does not mean that multiple keybindings for a particular input are prohibited, only that each keybinding may only execute one output.
  1. If it is possible for an input to be used to execute multiple outputs it is prohibited.
  • Examples include but are not limited to the use of turbo buttons and mapping an input to the mouse wheel.

The leaderboard is not affected by any of these rules, since they only serve to clarify what is permitted and prohibited regarding configuration. If you feel these rules are unclear or if you think that there may be a loophole violating the spirit of the rules, or if you have a better way to phrase them, please feel free to comment in this thread

discussione: Touhou Luna Nights
Chiba, JapanArtemisHunt5 years ago

Due to the submission of a few Low Level Boss Rushes we've noticed a small oversight in the wording of the ruleset for the category. Though the instructions to getting a suitable file were posted in the ruleset, we were receiving submissions that broke the rules. Admittedly, the wording could be clearer. To remedy this, the ruleset has been modified to match the intended ruleset. The rules now explicitly state that screw knife is not permitted and that dash spike is only permitted if you're using an All-Skills + Dash which should be the only case in which (if you're correctly following the route) you should have it.

I'm very sorry for any misunderstandings in the way that the ruleset was originally worded.

discussione: Touhou Luna Nights
Chiba, JapanArtemisHunt5 years ago

Announcing: The Touhou Luna Nights Speedrunning Community Discord Anniversary Event! Come one, come all! In exactly one week from now, the Discord server celebrates one year of going fast and breaking boundaries.

As such, we will be hosting a massive party! The event will last for one week, during which, you can come to expect: Daily Bounties - The Bounty Board will have a daily challenge for you to complete! Community Events - A community poll, why not? A new gamemode? Sure! 2hu art? Absolutely! Community Riddles - Akyuu found a weird scroll. Wonder what's inside?

Gather Anniversary Points during the event to unlock cool prizes, such as: A unique animated anniversary wallpaper! More welcome sprites! Tea is to be served! And more, which you will come to find out soon enough...

So gather your friends, let's party! Remember, the event is in exactly one week so mark your calendars, da ze!

Jaddo piace questo
discussione: Touhou Luna Nights
Chiba, JapanArtemisHunt5 years ago

Hey guys, Artemis here

I've made a Google Calendar to keep track of community events. If you have an event that you would like added to the calendar, you can leave a message on the Discord or in this thread. Please include the Time/Date/Stream and preferably a schedule to the event itself. There are some rules for it though.

1. Please only request events featuring Touhou Luna Nights. I know we all have events that we like, but since this is a Touhou Luna Nights speedrunning calendar, let's keep things in order here

2. Please only put the scheduled time of Touhou Luna Nights runs This is to make it easier for us to ping everyone when the event is happening.

Hopefully this will make life easier for everyone involved because it should autoconvert time zones. Thank you for your attention and keep on zoomin friends

Calendar Link

catnip piace questo
discussione: Touhou Luna Nights
Chiba, JapanArtemisHunt5 years ago

We are now accepting runs again. Here's the short version on what's changed:

The Any%, Any% NMS, and Dunk% categories are untouched. The new patch has slightly shorter loading times so the times should naturally get a little bit faster. The 100% and RBO categories now include content from the extra stage. Both of these boards have been retired with new boards to include the extra stage content.

Two full-game categories and one Individual level have been added EX% is completing the extra stage as quickly as possible. Time ends when you enter the machine after the Reimu boss fight EX% NMS is the Extra Stage analogue to Any%. Time ends when you enter the machine after the Reimu boss fight. Yes, the Dash spike is required for this category.

The Boss Rush category has been added to the board. This category will use in-game time. Currently there is only Unlimited mode which means you can have as many items, levels, and gems as you like (as long as you don't cheat). We have plans to incorporate a restricted mode at a later date.

Lastly: There are now 3 difficulties for each category to be used in Any%, Any% NMS, EX%, EX% NMS, and 100%. New Game, 1HP, and All Skills. These are NG, NG+ options.

Thank you for your attention, and I look forward to seeing runs from you in the future!

Pear piace questo
discussione: Touhou Luna Nights
Chiba, JapanArtemisHunt5 years ago

I thought that I should make this post here just in case some people aren't on the Discord and didn't see the announcement there:

On June 14th the last patch is set to drop. This patch will include at the very least Extra Stage. Because we won't know how any of the new content will interact with the current content, there will be a brief period after June 14th where we will not be accepting runs while we sort out the new categories. Most of the discussion happens in the Discord but if you aren't a Discord user and post instead here, it will still be considered.

I will post in this thread again some time after June 14th when we are ready to accept runs again. Any run submitted before the patch drops on June 14th will still be considered for verification.

Pear piace questo
Chiba, JapanArtemisHunt5 years ago

Update: Since posting, we've had 3 runners break that 15 minute barrier (some more than once). But don't be discouraged, the final patch is gonna be lit and you should totally start running the game!

Chiba, JapanArtemisHunt5 years ago

With the Extra Stage dropping on June 14th it really bothers me that we've yet to break the 15 minute barrier in Any%. So I've decided to make a bit of a bounty on it.

The first person to break the 15 minute barrier will receive $50 (and the glory of being first to this barrier). Subsequent runners to sub 15 will receive $10.

Fret not, new runners. There's something in it for you too even if you don't think you can reach this threshold in time. I will award $5 to every person who gets their PB below 18 minutes.


  1. All participants must join the Discord server. Current members are eligible for prizes for PBs after the time of this post. Please join the Discord server, say hi, and request the "Bounty" role. Invite Link:

  2. You must run the Any% - Standard Category Please refer to the Any% rules regarding the run. Due to the route you really don't have to worry about too much outside of making sure you're timing correctly. Runs should be done on v1.0.0.5.


Time Limit: You have until the patch drops on June 14th to complete the bounty.

Claiming Prizes: To claim prizes, you must have a working paypal account.

Imaproshaman e snapcase ti piace questo
Chiba, JapanArtemisHunt5 years ago

I think the rule is fine as is. I guess for some new people it might sound ambiguous but that could be cleared by wording. Also, I agree with Tohloo here. Speedrunning is already largely "honor code" in practice and I don't see why all of this hubbub is about in the first place. No one was discovered cheating afaik. As far as requiring input display/handcams/etc., I believe this creates a needless barrier to entry. It's just making honest people jump through hoops to display inputs which already can be faked by anyone willing to go the distance to do so. Cheaters gonna cheat, so making life difficult for runners that won't seems to me like a weird effort.

catnip, SNeaky, e TheGoogler ti piace questo
Chiba, JapanArtemisHunt6 years ago

Signups for the tournament are now open. Please sign up using your challonge account at this link:

For ease of organization, please use your SR name. Please submit a run to the leaderboards so that we may seed you properly.

Chiba, JapanArtemisHunt6 years ago

Hello. I am a speedrunner from the Momodora community and we're thinking of hosting a tournament for fun. Momodora:RutM (or Momo4 as it is sometimes called) is a 2D metroidvania about a young priestess that has been sent on a mission to find the cause of a curse in Karst Castle. With only her trusty Maple Leaf and her bow, she ventures into the curse-ridden lands surrounding Karst City. But alas! The entrance to Karst Castle has been blocked by a barrier! And only with the four Lord's Souls... I mean Crests can you enter the city! Kaho must caress these crests to get to the cause of the curse in Karst Castle (Say that 5 times fast).

The any% category is really easy to pick up. There isn't too much menuing and there are zero glitches in the game. There's only one trick that is often used and it takes no time to learn. The speedrun can be completed in under and hour and with some practice, under 40 minutes.

We all really appreciate the game and we'd like to share the fun with you. That being said, we're trying to gauge interest in the tournament. Please vote in the strawpoll and contact us through one means or another if you are interested so we can go about setting this up.

There are resources available on the game's page. The rules for Any% Easy will of course be found there.

Of course, anyone interested in joining is more than welcome to as for tips in the discord. The invite link is And you can also find it on the speedrun page. I hope to hear from you guys soon!

discussione: Talk
Chiba, JapanArtemisHunt6 years ago

Working on a certificate to get me transfered to Japan or Korea

paintophobia piace questo
discussione: Vindictus
Chiba, JapanArtemisHunt6 years ago

Hello, I'm ArtemisHunt and I've taken over as mod for this game. The old categories were outdated, so we've updated them to match the game. All runs are now Ein Lacher ILs. My friend and I have painstakingly gone through all of the Ein Lacher missions to add all of them as ILs for the game. Understanding that PC specs may be an issue regarding loading times, all times are to be done with effectively IGT. We've counted 80 Battle Quests but if we've missed any, please post them in this thread and we'll be sure to check and add them to the list. There is no medal requirement, but you can submit a medal with your run. Just for fun, we've added "Region Runs" which complete the Ein Lacher battles that correspond with bosses in those regions.

If there are any changes you'd like to see made, anything you think I've forgotten, please feel free to post it here! I'm sorry if the leaderboard looks weird, I've never managed a game before so I'm still figuring out the kinks. I hope that we'll all get along and I look forward to seeing your runs!

NutSPeedrunsShell piace questo
discussione: Vindictus
Chiba, JapanArtemisHunt6 years ago

Hello, my friend and I would like to start some runs and noticed that the page is extremely outdated. The record you have doesn't even exist anymore on current patch. If you're not interested in keeping up the page, would you mind passing mod over to me so we can update the page and get the Vindictus speedruns rolling?

Info su ArtemisHunt
7 years ago
9 days ago
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Ultima corsa 6 years ago
Momodora: Reverie Under the Moonlight
Touhou Luna Nights
Touhou Luna Nights
Ultima corsa 5 years ago
Gensou Skydrift
Gensou Skydrift
Ultima corsa 4 years ago
Densha de D: Lightning Stage
Densha de D: Lightning Stage
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Momodora: Reverie Under the Moonlight
Momodora: Reverie Under the Moonlight
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Touhou Luna Nights
Touhou Luna Nights
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Touhou Luna Nights
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