discussione: Tetris (NES)
California, USA4iSteven6 years ago

I'm not sure if you know what ad hominem means? I said what you said about runners was rude and ignorant, then explained exactly what was wrong with the statement.

All of that aside though, maybe a lesson can be learned here. Presjpolk one of the zelda mods posts up on the discord and asks everyone's opinion before doing anything. Maybe that's part of the reason why the zelda community is so strong.

I don't think redbird was trying to be rude, I think he was just making a point. The point is, no one looks at filters except for the runners of the game itself and Most of the time they don't even look at the filters. No one is going to pull up 0 start filter and be like "oh wow drone has a world record that's super impressive!" They are going to think he doesn't have a world record he is just the best at an insignificant category because there is no way for them to know how significant that category actually was.

You can't have a category for every level. However, almost 100 people ran 0 start. That's enough community interest to leave it as its own category.

(Let me holla at the Z-side runnas. Those tets be steppin on our turf yo. Big juzzy needsta start a petition up in here and we gotsa start a riot up in this bizzzzznatch. -real comment heard on the streets of hyrule.) Just a joke, couldn't resist, I'm sorry haha.

Edit: a little mud slinging is healthy. When I was in grade school kids would fight, maybe fight again, but then get over it and become best friends after that. What creates rifts are people feeling like they cant get their opinions out there. People feeling like they cant fight back and get in a low blow of their own.

It shouldn't go on forever, seems like it's gone on long enough. Any more low blows should be thrown now then let's get over it and work out a solution together.

And by together I mean you guys who are passionate. For gods sake I don't even have a time on the board. (LoL) I just want to see drone get his wr back.

Rep2369 piace questo
discussione: The Legend of Zelda
California, USA4iSteven6 years ago

Haha, I'm not so sure damageless low% is sane.

I really do want to have some challenges (not whole runs). The challenges would have different levels of difficulty. It would be kind of like achievements for the Xbox. They are just there for fun and bragging rights I suppose. Some examples:

Difficult - beat ganon 3 times in a row using only the wooden sword, silver arrow and bow. Only allowed to have 3 hearts.

Difficult: From the beginning of the game, visit every screen possible on the overworld without getting hit. No screen scrolls allowed.

Very difficult - clear both lagoons with only the wood sword and 3 heart. No bombs, potions or anything else allowed. No door strats or pause strats allowed.

Insanely difficult - play 4 different copies of the game at the same time with one controller. All 4 games must be within 2 rooms of eachother while inside dungeons at all times. Clear in 2.5 hours or less. (This is a whole run... four whole runs I know but it's a shoutout to cantaloupeme who actually did this).

Stuff like that. Is there anything like that or would anyone be interested in coming up with challenges with me?

discussione: The Legend of Zelda
California, USA4iSteven6 years ago

Damageless low% where sword can only be used on gleeok and ganon. I can't think of anything else to add to make it worse except no glitches, but the glitches are fun in this game.

The glitches take skill and they do not break the game. I'd hate to do a run without screen scrolling, but I guess it would make it more difficult.

Ok, I got it. Damageless low% where the only weapons you are allowed to use is the blue candle, and wooden sword. The wooden sword is only allowed to be used on enemies that can't be killed by the blue candle or if you get stuck in a room and can't use another flame from the candle. No glitches no up+a (softlock and lose) no hands (you must use your feet or teeth or anything but your hands.) Blindfolded. (So no eyes) You must be sleep deprived. (Stay up for at least 48 hours before attempting the run). No breathing (you have to hold your breath until run is complete). The last rule is you must wear a shock collar and have it set up so that if someone in chat types !shock, you take a shock.

This category is called "you have to be $#@&#$* kidding %" I bet lack and eunos complete it sub hour on their first try.

WolfMerrik piace questo
discussione: The Legend of Zelda
California, USA4iSteven6 years ago

I have been having fun with challenges lately. The first one I came up with was:

  • clear the first blue lagoon with 3 hearts and use nothing except The sword. (This one is tougher than I thought it would be.)

  • clear the recorder room with 4 bombs and nothing else. No sword, cancle, arrows...etc nothing but bombs and you only get 4.

  • clear each level without getting hit. Each level is separate from one another.

Can anyone add anything to these? The more challenging the better. Something that can be done in a reasonable amount of time.

On a separate note, what is the toughest run you guys can come up with? The run that would take the most skill? Extreme comes to mind but it's more tedious than difficult. Here is what i came up with. (My chat helped me out with this)

One hit knock out. Low% semi swordless. You get wood sword but you can only use the sword to fight the gleeoks and ganon. No block clipping.

JSR_ piace questo
discussione: The Legend of Zelda
California, USA4iSteven7 years ago

I had my suspicions that Brandon's cart was possessed, and now it's summoning overworld sprites to the underworld? Possession confirmed! Haha

Seriously though, is there a log anywhere with all the known bugs/glitches? I bombed a manhandla earlier and got 3/4 of its appendages. I could have sworn the thing was way slower than it should have been. I easily killed the last one with the sword.

discussione: The Legend of Zelda
California, USA4iSteven7 years ago

I had to read that a couple times, but thank you for the info. I will definitely reset from now on instead of hitting retry. Thanks for the in depth explanation eunos!

discussione: The Legend of Zelda
California, USA4iSteven7 years ago

Ok, thanks for all the help sir.

discussione: The Legend of Zelda
California, USA4iSteven7 years ago

As soon as I can swing enough money for a capture card I will definitely play on console. I know there are cheap cc's but my wife streams as well and wants one that captures Wii U and PS4 and from my understanding any card that captures Nes and PS4 is kind of pricy?

My obs disconnected from internet twice last night while I was streaming, so I deleted the sections of video from twitch. I have a full length video on my computer with no breaks in it. Would you recommend putting that garbage on YouTube? I also have a 42ish minute run recorded offline but that was with blue ring before I was told it's generally a bad idea to get blue ring. Does the community want to see improvement as some sort of proof to validate good runs?

Being on stream completely destroys runs for me because my focus is horrible and I can't resist talking to my friends who show up.

discussione: The Legend of Zelda
California, USA4iSteven7 years ago

Thanks for the answers man, that was quick. Can you please explain watching memory variable? It's not something that could be turned on without me knowing about it is it? That's really all I'm worried about.

One last question. It was recommended to me that I display the whole emulator window and not just the gameplay but I can't figure out how to do this without doing a display capture. I don't really want my desktop showing to the stream along with my wife's stupid Facebook pop ups. ill keep trying to figure out a way to fix this, but in the mean time can I submit runs that are live streamed and recorded with only the game capture on?

I probably won't submit any runs any time soon unless there is a reason to? I wanted to hit sub 40 without blue ring and with no deaths before I submitted a run.

discussione: The Legend of Zelda
California, USA4iSteven7 years ago

Hello everyone, I had a few questions I wanted to ask. I'm getting sick of pestering the good runners constantly so I'll post them up here. I'll write a little back story first in case any of the info is relevant. Skip the next 2 paragraphs if you don't care about the back story.

I've been watching zelda speed runs for a few weeks now and practicing techniques for 2 weeks. About a week ago I started streaming attempts on runs. I just completed my first stream/recorded run without any deaths and without the blue/red ring. It was a little wonky of a run timing in at 53.27 or close to that. Pb before that was 42 minutes with blue ring and not streamed.

Unfortunately I don't have a capture card at the moment. I don't have the extra funds laying around right now, so I'm using an emulator.

I'm using the latest version of fceux for my zelda runs, but I have questions to make sure I'm being as legit as possible without using console.

-are there any default settings that come standard with fceux that would disqualify a run? -is there a specific zelda 1 rom I need to use or are any ok as long as they are the correct version for the list I'm going for? -is there any other reason a run could be considered cheating that a new runner might not know about? -if someone is watching a stream and remind you that you are low in rupees or maybe that you are a key lower than you need to be, is that considered cheating?

Now for a few random questions.

-zelda looks horrible on my HDTV, but does using the HDTV affect the difficulty or is it purely cosmetic? (all this input delay stuff confuses me)

-when would you guys recommend I change from 2 first rout to 3 first?

-wiz robes will often be invisible while standing still on emulator. This never happens to me on console. Is this normal for emulator? I'm not talking about when they are teleporting or when they are transparent It's hard to describe, but I promise I'm not walking in to a freshly teleported wiz. I sometimes have a problem with armos as well. I will walk into one to activate it, then it will move away, then when I try to go in the shop/secret room I will take damage from an invisible unit and a transparent armos will appear and run away, resulting in 2 armos from 1 spot. Bad rom or emulator setting?

-another odd thing, ganon is usually invisible unless I hit him as well ;) kidding with this one.

Thanks to anyone who took the time to glance over this and thanks to everyone who has helped me out or checked out my gameplay on twitch. This is a great community I'm hoping to be a part of soon.

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