Here are my notes for upgrades for full game easy turbo
Current world record and blank splits are included in RESOURCSE
I'm putting this on Forum instead of GUIDES because guides don't let you comment. This is a VERY incomplete guide I made on the fly going through once - it's the strategies I used in my run. The one change I'd recommend is possibly changing from Fireball (rear) to Sonic once you can have it max upgraded... since a max upgraded Sonic is better than Fireball. I still prefer fireball at level 4 to anything other than max sonic though.
Shout out to firefyte for showing me HIS version of the "shopping list" --- as well as which levels are faster when given choices.
Also, I seem to be missing a generator upgrade in here somewhere... O.O that's problematic, because generator is what regenerates your shields.
If you can make any improvements, missing levels, typos, or optimizations please comment with ideas, and I'll edit. GOOD LUCK to anyone running this fantastic game :)
I think a time of roughly 1:02:00 would be possible with no deaths and fast bosses on NG+... I don't think a sub-hour time is possible
Episode 1
Starting Front Gun +1 Right Sidekick Plasma Storm NOTE: The "spikes" near the end are worth 1,000 each... they are killable with TWO plasma storms, which leaves you TWO plasma storms, which will regenerate to THREE by the time you get to the boss
After Tyrian Front +2 = 4 Rear Sonic +1 = 2 Shield = Upgrade
After Asteroid 1 Generator +1
After Savara Rear Fireball 4 (and for the most part keep it at 4, since it's the most spread out at 4, and cheap)
DIE (Bonus)
After Mines Ship - Gencore Phoenix Front +1 = 5
After Delani Ship = Gencore Maelstrom Generator Upgrade Rear -1 = 4 Front +1 = 7
After Savara V Left Sidekick = Plasma Storm Front Upgrade
Episode 2
After Torm Shield = Class B Rear +1 = 5 (because there's a generator in the next level)
After Gyges Ship Upgrade Back = 4 (to free up money, and make the spread as big as possible) Front = Max
DIE (Bonus)
Shield Upgrade
- After Ast City Nothing
DIE (Bonus)
After Bonus Ship Upgrade
After Soy Jin Front Upgrade
After Botany B (Botany A and B same length, B slightly easier) Nothing
Episode 3 Front 8 Rear 8 (because there's a generator on the left side in this level coming up)
After Guantlet Rear 8 Front 10
After Ixmucane Nothing
BONUS (get the powerup, then DIE)
After Stargate Ship Upgrade
After Camaris Back 7 Front LASER max upgarded
DIE (Bonus)
- After Fleet Nothing
Episode 4 (three difficult bosses in this episode, also the longest and most difficult of the 5 episodes by far) No upgrades
After Surface Rear upgrades
After Lava Run Shield Class C
After Core Nothing
After Side Exit Nothing
After Tunnel Ship Stalker 21.126 (it's cheaper but better than more expensive ships... O.O)
After Ice Exit Rear upgrade if not already max "Harvest" level has a hard boss... careful
After Harvest Nothing
After Underdeli Nothing
After Approach Nothing "Dread Not" level next, difficult boss
After Savara IV Shield Max
After Eyespy Nothing
After Brainiac Nothing "Nose Drip" difficult boss level
After Nose Drip Nothing
Episode 5 All of episode 5 is easy... when given the choice, go with Soy Jin
After Station upgrade shield