Pubblicato 1 year ago di

Hey there Simmers,

This is a quick post to relate to the discussion of the Max All Skills (with Expansions) run. But before I do that I would like to welcome @PipSpeedRunsStuff as a Verifier to the Team!

After discussions in our Community Discord - Which you can find back at the top there. The following has been implemented with immediate effect for the Max All Skills (with Expansions) run - With and Without Restrictions:

Skills Required:

Advanced Tech Alchemy Athletics Bass, Drums and Piano Bot Making Charisma Cooking Fishing Gardening Guitar Handiness Inventing Laser Rhythm-a-Con Logic Martial Arts Mixology Nectar Making Painting Photography Riding Science Scuba Sculpting Social Networking Street Art Writing

Means the With Expansions run would require:

Into the Future Supernatural Late Night Ambitions World Adventures University Island Paradise Pets

  • Base Game

The No Expansions run will not be impacted by this change.

If you have any questions feel free to reach out to me or Falco :)

Happy Simming!

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Pubblicato 2 years ago di

To The Sims 3 Speedrunning Community,

Regarding the last post on July the 3rd by Falco, following the suggestions and the feedback from the community, we have enacted the following:

  • PC & Mac users will continue to submit runs to this board (The Sims 3 2009 board)
  • PS3, Xbox 360, DS, 3DS, iOS and Android Users will from July 15th submit to the new Console Boards (The Sims 3 2010 boards)
  • Linux/PlayOnLinux/ runners can submit runs here under the Linux Option.

Q: Where can I find the Console Boards? You can find the Console TS3 boards on

Q: Why split the Boards? The reason for the board split is due to the fact that the versions of the games themselves are different to one another.

Ex: PS3 and Xbox 360 are the same game. But Wii, DS and 3DS are not, therefore warranting separations.

Q: What happens to all the runs that were verified here? All runs currently verified on this board for TS3 will be moved on to the TS3 Console Board once Falco/I have it set up. They are all valid runs and the rules that we have will be adapted to match in the near future.

Until then happy simming! Nightwish and the TS3 Moderation Team

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Pubblicato 2 years ago di

Hey Simmers!

After some discussion, we will be looking to clean up the boards some more regarding platforms & their subcategories, but we want to know what your opinion on the matter is.

Option 1: We keep console-based runs, but split them so that the boards would look as follows:

| PC / Mac | Xbox 360 / PS3 | Wii | 3DS | DS | iOS / Android |

If we go ahead with this, then we will be making changes with regards to the subcategories, with the expansion based ones needing a complete overhaul, as the PC / Mac & the iOS / Android versions are the only versions that are capable of utilising expansions (The Sims 3: Pets for Xbox 360, PS3, & Nintendo 3DS do not count as they are standalone releases).

Option 2: We give the console versions their own seperate leaderboard.

This would mean any run that was not played on PC or Mac versions of the game would have to be relocated over to that particular board, but no major changes would need to be made onto this leaderboard specifically, apart from removing console & emulator as subcategories.

A poll will be made onto our Discord server in the #pc-console-general channel. We would like to know what your preferred option would be:

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The Sims 3: New Verifier and Updates to Max All Skills

Hey there Simmers,

This is a quick post to relate to the discussion of the Max All Skills (with Expansions) run. But before I do that I would like to welcome @PipSpeedRunsStuff as a Verifier to the Team!

After discussions in our Community Discord - Which you can find back at the top there. The

1 year ago
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