Interested in learning Trip World?
9 years ago
Rhode Island, USA

Well boy do I have the hot spot for you!

Ever dreamed of becoming Yacopu himself? You can today~

Ever wanted to have a giant clam smash you through a cavern ceiling? Yacopu can today~

Want to turn yourself into a bouncy ball and narrowly pass yourself through a room full of spikes without popping? Yacopu can today~

How about beating the ever-loving icing off of a family of cakes? Yacopu can today~

Do you wanna be GOKU?! Yacopu can today~

Well if you're gonna be Goku you may as well do kamehameha's and kamehameha Frieza! Yacopu can today~

Wanna kick Slippy in the dick? Yacopu can today~

How about flip some bacon? Yacopu can today~

Kick the life out of two twins and then YOUR evil hyper twin? Yacopu can today~


Yacopu can today!

For just hundreds payments of time spent, you too can perform all of these great feats by joining the SpeedRunsLive IRC server, then joining:


Come in and ask how to do game, we can help :>

guywith, Rodr1go7 e 5 Altri ti piace questo
Ohio, USA

Bare foot!?!? tell us more!!!

United Kingdom

"Wanna kick Slippy in the dick?"

Oh boy!

Picked this up today as it looks like a lot of fun and I want to ease myself back into speedrunning (I was never technically a runner before, I just played one specific game so much I ended up with a good time by happenstance)

This game is just so cute and chilled out and has some fun movement to it.

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Pubblicato 6 years ago
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Pubblicato 6 years ago
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