(I think this is how to submite an ide for an extention run)
The goal is to start the game make it to gurudo valley restore the town to its natural state so that you can get the noble pursuit drink form the bar area fill every slot of your meals inventoery with noble pursuits and drink them to achieve maximum alcahol consumption. For fun (note: if it would be better for the run maybe just 1 drink instead)
I personally can't make a run because I don't have a capture card but if some else can hype this joke run that would be amazing
I am not a mod but you can just have a camera pointed at the game, it just needs to be recognizable
I’ll do it for you! I’m making a wheel of challenges if I mess up in smo and I’ll add this to it.
Twitch is changing their on video storage to only allow each user up to 100 hours of Highlights and Uploads. What this means for us is that anyone who is hosting a PB on speedrun.com in the form of a Twitch VOD Highlight could