8 years ago
Virginia, USA

if you could please include your own timer in future speedruns i would really appreciate it its just hard to time it properly on my own. thank you <3

North Carolina, USA

I follow the timer in your runs. Any future runners should do the same. I would include the exact starts and stops in this thread. For the individual sections I included my timing in the description

Virginia, USA

oh no when time starts is fine i was just asking if you could include a counter like livesplit or something in the video when its submitted its not that big of a deal honestly


I would've submitted a timer with mine, but I stream through the Xbox One Twitch app, so can't include that stuff. Would just a livesplit timer be fine if I use one in another run anytime?

Virginia, USA

yeah i mean its cool that the one's ive gotten don't have timers but like in the future if you could unless you have no means of putting a timer in the video (i didn't know the xbox one could stream to twitch honestly)


Yeah, we have a Twitch app, so without a CC, there's no way for me to put a timer into the video itself, just a link to the splits really.

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