Lag spots patched??
7 years ago
California, USA

I haven't been able to check for myself since I'm at work, but a commenter on one of my runs on Youtube said they patched out the lag spots, and I checked the patch notes and they seem to agree with that.

Anyone know more about this?

Bavaria, Germany

I haven't checked yet, i can look into it this evening. To me, the note in the patch notes more seems to refer to a small (and highly inconsistent) glitch where you could teleport through gates that are opening, e.g. in Chang'an.

Ppl told me many times that the glitch is fixed and it never was... i guess there's still a chance that we can continue doing speedruns on current patch.

Bavaria, Germany

Just checked it, the freezing is indeed fixed.

I'd see 3 options now:

  • Preffered would be: get a downgraded version (i dont have one i'm afrad... anyone got one?) and adding Leaderboards for post-1.42/adding a version-filter in the anniversary-leaderboards.

  • Wiping the leaderboards and only allowing further runs on current patch

  • (imho NOT really an option) allowig keyboard-macros, since it's still possible duping skillponts this way. Since not everyone has macro-keys i'd highly NOT recommand this (looking at the amiibo-discussion at breath of the wild you can see how that would go)

I'd most likey go with Option 1... Anyone got an old version?

California, USA

I have Immortal Throne, but not an older version of AE sadly.

California, USA

I will definitely check this out later tonight when I get a chance to be on Steam. There's at least 3 games I run/am thinking about running that would benefit from this.

California, USA

I tried this tonight with the manifest from just prior to the patch that fixed the lag spots ("download_depot 475150 475151 6161538556305591993" in Steam console) and it worked, the lag spots are indeed back.

Bavaria, Germany

Nice, so we can get the Old versions Back! I gotta look into this when i'm back from ESA Germany.

Then my first idea for the leaderboard would be implementing a Version Filter (maybe only Pre/Post-1.42 for now, we don't need each single version) to keep track of both, runs on older and current versions.

I'd prefer filters rather then new categories like "Any% (AE current version)" and "Any% (AE with Lag Spots)", because compared to the current activity in this game, we already have quite many categories.

Any other thoughts?

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