Timing rules for Beat All 6 Games speedrun
1 year ago

Hey all, on February 11th, I'll do a thing in a marathon and that thing called speedrunning The Disney Afternoon Collection and beat all the 6 games. Atm, I want to talk about timing rules.

In my reflection, I thought about the Super Mario All-Stars rules. Changing game and final split is when we finish the game by the current rules of each game.

Only difference is when we start the timer is when we hit "Start" on the first game instead of when we start usually start the timer for the first game. In my opinion, it's the best solution to let runners start with the game of their choice like in SMAS. I've made a prototype of the run for the submission for the marathon I will be a part of.

It's in French in the video. Also, I want to be sure if it will be a premiere for the collection to be showcase in a marathon like that.


I think good idea its your timer RTA, and 2 timer from igt timers in game, main timer from games

Modificato da l'autore 1 year ago

Not having the rewind button could be nice so we will not hit it by accident, but I don't like losing time with the countdown at the beginning and the menuing. It adds time unusefully for a run already over 1h30.

Tegron piace questo

@SuperBigKMart I have a question, how will you lose time if the time priority is in-game time when running games in race mode?

У меня вопрос, а как вы будете терять время если приоритет по времени будет чистое игровое время когда запущены игры в режиме гонки?


I see your point, since the timer is pretty accurate in the collection and can make life easier if we do IGT. I think the question is do we want to include the menuing or not. I prefer RTA but I'm fine if we go for IGT in a RTA setting.


You can add 2 timers to the leaderboard but IGT game timer, will be prioritized over RTA, simply because it is the most accurate at this point than with the game changer)

Можно добавить 2 таймера в лидерборд но IGT таймер игр, будет в приоритете чем RTA, просто потому что он самый точный в данном моменте, чем со сменой игр)


I apologize for re-shoeing, but I thought it was unnecessary to add an RTA timer, simply for the reason that we have all leaderboards using IGT timers.

Прошу прощения что переобуваюсь, но я подумал что не нужно добавлять RTA таймер, просто по той причине что у нас все лидерборды используют IGT таймеры.

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