Any% in 23m 29s 083ms by

With new skips and route optimizations I managed to save exactly 7:46.900 from my previous run.

Night 2 Skip This run features "Night 2 Skip" found by x13ucketHeaDx:

Early Night 1 End Trigger Also HotCoffee found out that you can activate the trigger end of Night 1 much earlier than normal. His theory was that entering and exiting the counter advances the games "in-game timer" or "internal clock" for how the game decides when to end the night.

I still don't know if this is true or not, because it also seems to be positional based to trigger it. I found that it seems to always happen in one of the aisles in the store, so maybe it's both time based and positional? I'm still figuring this one out. It's still way faster than before without a doubt.

Route optimizations:

  • Start: After skipping the texts while the game fades in, you can actually move. So if you're good enough you can in theory open the fridge, take out the Bento and put it into the Microwave without even seeing.
  • General: After watching each VHS tapes, you can actually move while the screen is still black. So if you're good you can navigate while "blind" and save even more time.
  • Day 1: Take trash to the the backside and then to the homeless man. Before I did the reverse and did the homeless man first, but I think the this way will make customers come faster. Because the game might start having the customers arrive only until this cutscene has been played, so I start doing it first just in case this is how it works
  • Night 2: - You can ignore the dialogue with the manger and checking in. This is all thanks to the Night 2 Skip previously mentioned. Because of this, we don't need to check in and progress the game. So I can just watch the CCTV on Channel 4 to remove the yellow blocking tapes to the shed. Thus saving even more time!
Night Skip
Good Ending
Game Version
23m 29s 083ms
5 years ago
5 years ago
5 years ago