Thanks and A Few Questions
6 years ago
United States

First and foremost, thank you very much for adding this game! :) In addition to the tracks already generated, would it be possible to add one for the "Computer Battle" mode (using the in game timer)?

Also, would it be possible to add the WiiWare version of Tetris Party (and its array of prospective speedrun tracks) for competition as well?

Franche-Comté, France

I gonna check if there is differences between ww and Wii version ( i have both ) If there is new gamemode or mini-games we can add it. but if is the same than Wii disc version, you can use any version for speedrun.

United States

Regarding the Computer Battle mode request, I have never seen the starting configuration displayed in your posted image (or any such scenario where there are pre-existing blocks already in the field of play at the start of the match). Whenever I play Computer Battle mode, the playing field starts out empty for both the player and the AI/CPU opponent every single time. However, I normally play with the "Map" option set to "OFF" (as you alluded to in your response), so that would likely explain it.

If requiring that the "Map" option to be set to "OFF" resolves your concern regarding competitive balance, would it be possible for you to add it to the list of existing tracks with that particular rule stipulated? I appreciate your time, consideration, and assistance either way.

Also, I'd have to go back and double check to be 100% certain, but I don't recall the WiiWare version of Tetris Party even having the "Map" option available for the Computer Battle mode. It also starts with clear play fields for both the player and the AI/CPU opponent each time.

United States

Thank you very much for confirming the existence of the "Map" option in both games, and thanks in advance for adding Computer Battle mode (whenever you are able to do so). :)

United States

Just a quick follow up on this. I was practicing the Computer Battle mode a bit over the past few days on the WiiWare version of Tetris Party, but was unable to locate the "Map" option. Could you point me to the particular screen where I could find it? I'd like to be able to show that it is set to "OFF" for any official runs that I record. Thanks in advance for the assistance, as always!

United States

The playfield is always empty at the beginning of my Computer Battle mode matches in the WiiWare version of Tetris Party. I believe that you are correct regarding the "Map" option simply not existing for the WiiWare version of Tetris Party. Unless you have any objections, I will continue to practice and eventually submit runs via the WiiWare version of Tetris Party with the empty/clear screen at the start of each match acting as the evidence that the rule regarding the "Map" option has been followed appropriately.

Thank you again for all of your assistance! :)

Los Angeles, CA, USA

What abou the Wii U? it's backwards compatible, right?

Franche-Comté, France

Yes, you can play on WiiU if you want, there is not differences between Wii and WiiU ( as i know )

Los Angeles, CA, USA

But it's not on the console ports.

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