Today, while on MrDunlo's stream, he played against Seattle and got an 8:31, so I thought it would be fun to create a fun document where we would put times against specific teams. Here is the document if interested.
I went a 9:27 today vs Raiders. Can upload video. I count it as a new record since that block was blank.
Any thoughts about doing a real misc. category board with all the teams? I think it might catch eyeballs and generate a little interest if there were more categories.
I nominate StickeredNolmy for mod and to set it all up.
Yeah. Im not really motivated to do anything really on the Google Doc leaderboard but it would be really easy to set it up through
My only concern with doing team specific leaderboards is there are 12 team that you could possibly be. So you'd have to set up a leaderboard for every single possible team combination. I feel that would be too many for Tecmo Bowl at the moment, but I like the ideas being passed around! -Corb