110 stages in total (with 1st loop of 108 stages)
7 years ago
San Francisco, CA, USA

This mode and the N mode are the same. It's the mixture of the other modes together into this mode. So there should be a 1P 108 stages, 2P solo 108 stages and co-op 108 stages.

San Francisco, CA, USA

Actually the thing is, in mode G and N, stage 37 won't loop back to the beginning, but stage 13 of A (or D or H or K) instead. And stage 49 loop back to stage 13 of the B (or E or I or L) instead, the process repeat until stage 109, which loops back to the beginning.

San Francisco, CA, USA

Thanks for the offer for making me the moderator, but I don't think I could have a good responsibility for being a moderator though. :( But I will definitely try to make a run for this game asap. ;)

San Francisco, CA, USA

BTW, I have 2 versions of Tank G. The 1st version is the one which has a different stage 1 and some stages that enemies stuck. The 2nd version is the version that you play on YT (which changed the stage 1 and fix the undefeatable issue in some stages). Which one is allowed?

San Francisco, CA, USA

Thanks for the rom. Is it allowed to play the mode that allows you to clean the trees and use the bot item to go through the river?