Instant Action in 11m 01s by

Hunt% just got destroyed. I said I was done with Hunt% but I found 2 new strategies and I knew I could beat my PB easily.

The first one is using Geonosians on Geonosis. I did some practice and I could get some 1:40 times pretty often. Every clone killed is worth 2 points. The clones do not move as much so they can be easier to kill usually. And if a bunch of AI comes with you where the clones spawn, it can do some real damage.

The second strategy is actually having friendly fire off for Hoth so that you wont die from your own mines. It is very helpful as you dont have to waste time rolling away to dodge and you can use a mine to save yourself from a dangerous situation.

(Btw, shouts out to FutureForce14 for talking about friendly fire on the forums today. It would have probably taken a while for me to think about it xD).

Stage by stage comments

Endor = Gold split

Geonosis = Very bad, I lost at least 32 seconds compared to my sum of best.

Hoth = Gold split but I am pretty sure I can do it faster still.

Kashyyyk = Gold split, super happy with it. I did have issues trying to get the last kill, so I lost a few seconds which is anoying.

Mos Eisley = Holy moly, that freakin luck. I saved like 35 seconds off my sum of best.

Naboo = Very well done, only lost 3 seconds of sum of best.

Instant Action
Instant Action
All Maps Hunt%
Load Removed Time
11m 01s
Real Time Attack
13m 31s
7 years ago
7 years ago
7 years ago