Attack Damage Values.
6 years ago
New Orleans, LA, USA

Decided to spend my night recording myself and going frame by frame to check damage values of each attack. I froze the health of a corrupted treasure in Area 1 to let me attack it repeatedly. I've only done the basic attacks you start with, and not the charge attack from area 2, or the cannon, or any of the resist perks. Those will be coming in the future.

To start - Every attack has a value of randomness. I dont have enough data (since it's all manual entry) to narrow down how much randomness specifically, but it's roughly +/- 15%. I took each attack and I'm presenting its averages.

Explanation: Damage Value(DV) Every attack I will give will have a damage value. As far as I can tell, the damage formula seems to be DV * Attack Damage, and then modified +/- 15% for randomness.

Basic Ground Combo - 5 hits Hits 1,2,3,4 seem to share the same damage value of roughly 0.8. The big hit, #5, seems to have a damage value around 1.6, double the damage of the first four hits.

Basic Air Combo - 4 hits Hits 1,2,3 have a damage value of 0.8 Hit 4 has a damage value of 1.6. It's the same as the ground combo, aside from the missing attack. I currently don't have software for counting frames, but I will mention that the air combo does hit somewhat slower than the ground combo.

Plunge Attack - Two components. The first one is if you directly hit an enemy with a downward plunge attack. Damage value seems to be 1.0 The second component is the splash attack after hitting the ground. Damage value seems to be 2.0

Finishers -

Left/Right/Standing Ground Finisher. 6 to 9 hits possibly depending on range This one has been a bit harder to nail down. All of the hits seem to be the same damage value of roughly 0.6, with a total damage value of 4.5 (for the full attack)

Up Ground Finisher: Two hits Both hits seem to have the same damage value of roughly 1.5 Total damage value of 3.0

Down Ground Finisher : One hit Damage value of 2.75

Air Left/Right Finish: One hit Damage value of 2.75

Air Up Finish: 4-5 hits. This is another one that's slightly finicky. It seems this attack is meant to have five total hits, but often times I've seen the first attack miss against my target. First and Last attack - Damage value of 0.9 The middle three attacks - Damage value of 0.5 Total Damage value of the attack - Roughly 3.0-3.2

Air Down Finish: One hit Damage value of 3.8

Current conclusion - As far as finishers go, you should use the neutral ground finisher as much as possible, as long as you can get most of the hits. In the air, use the Down finisher, as it does the most significant amount of damage. Both of these are assuming that the target and yourself are in good locations to pull it off.

I plan on making a video detailing all of the attacks and their damage values, including all of the resist perks and skills, and when that comes out I will delete this thread.

New Orleans, LA, USA

I also welcome anyone to do their own research into this and post their own findings. There may be things I've done incorrectly.

Texas, USA

If we are able to time it, might be worth it to see if the ground combo is ever worth it instead of just small jumps + plunge attack. Though the combo might still be worth it because more attacks = more finishers.

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