Tempo intermedio
Fornito da Splits.io
# | Nome | Split | Terminato il |
1 | Greenflower 1 | 0m 24s 147ms | 0m 24s 147ms |
2 | Greenflower 2 Oro | 0m 45s 283ms | 1m 09s 430ms |
3 | Greenflower 3 | 0m 30s 436ms | 1m 39s 866ms |
4 | Techno Hill 1 | 1m 17s 629ms | 2m 57s 495ms |
5 | Techno Hil 2 Oro | 1m 28s 072ms | 4m 25s 567ms |
6 | Techno Hill 3 | 0m 33s 947ms | 4m 59s 514ms |
7 | Deep Sea 1 | 1m 18s 386ms | 6m 17s 900ms |
8 | Deep Sea 2 | 2m 01s 410ms | 8m 19s 310ms |
9 | Deep Sea 3 | 0m 43s 533ms | 9m 02s 843ms |
10 | Castle Eggman 1 | 1m 35s 549ms | 10m 38s 392ms |
11 | Castle Eggman 2 | 1m 48s 810ms | 12m 27s 202ms |
12 | Castle Eggman 3 | 1m 10s 565ms | 13m 37s 767ms |
13 | Arid Canyon 1 | 1m 48s 930ms | 15m 26s 697ms |
14 | Arid Canyon 2 | 1m 56s 526ms | 17m 23s 223ms |
15 | Arid Canyon 3 | 1m 20s 863ms | 18m 44s 086ms |
16 | Red Volcano | 2m 10s 502ms | 20m 54s 588ms |
17 | Egg Rock 1 | 1m 34s 471ms | 22m 29s 059ms |
18 | Egg Rock 2 | 3m 54s 451ms | 26m 23s 510ms |
19 | Black Core 1 | 1m 25s 966ms | 27m 49s 476ms |
20 | Black Core 2 | 1m 59s 451ms | 29m 48s 927ms |
21 | Black Core 3 | 1m 28s 944ms | 31m 17s 871ms |
We are rejecting Full Game Run submissions posted on Twitch
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We're sure you have seen the unfortunate news that Twitch is introducing a new limit on how many Highlights you can have saved on your channel. This makes Twitch a very unreliable storage spot for run submissions so will therefore not be allowed any longer for submitting to this
Giocate recenti
Livello: Techno Legacy Zone
Livello: Techno Legacy Zone
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