Regarding some runs deleted from the leaderboard
1 year ago

Hello everyone, yes I knoooow this is an old topic and some of you don't want to dig it again. I know. But I can't find any information about it and after all this time, it still bothers me. Let's write it down once and forever, to make this clear (I wanna look really stupid if the information is easy to find...)

It's about a runner banned from the community, and I'm against any form of censorship, there's no taboo subject with me, so I'm gonna say his name and hope I'm offending nobody : Guy2308.

Let's not talk about the decision to ban him, to be honest I don't care at all. What I personally love is the accomplishment regarding the game and not what people are behind (well, there are runners I like of course, but that's not the point).

A decision was made to keep his runs on the leaderboard, under the tag "anonymous" with his run uploaded without him talking or appearing, just the raw gameplay. Which is a valid idea because it satisfies everyone. But since, the run has just disappeared and I have never understood why. Someone can explain ?

NokiDoki (I like you a lot man) was saying himself that putting Guy2308 anonymous was a good compromise to separate the runner from the run, and some runners like Inkstar (like you too man) considered himself being one rank below on the leaderboard because of Guy2308's time.

I know some other runners like Oatfloaker seems to have deleted their WR. I can understand. But for Guy2308, his run was saved by the community. Why not making it appear on the leaderboard, especially when his times are still avalaible on the "WR History" guide ? This is quite a milestone in SMS's history. If it was a random time by a random guy, I would not discuss the mod's choices, I know it's tiring for them to justifiy any action to anyone.

Thanks if you have read everything, and thanks to give me an answer with respect. I don't want to rot the atmosphere, I prefer spreading loves lol. But I want to know. Maybe it's explained on the Discord but I don't often use it and don't want to come in just for this unpleasant question.

Have a nice day everyone.

BlueJay2018 piace questo
São Paulo, Brazil

It was later discovered that Guy was using a modded Wii, which could make load times inconsistent. I feel like this discovery was about a year and a half ago? I don't remember too much of it, just some discussion on Twitter.

Modificato da l'autore 1 year ago
BlueJay2018 e Waxy ti piace questo

Thanks a lot for your answer ! I remember that being tackled during a JJsrl's stream but I couldn't have any further informations.

I will wait to see if anyone has more details to add :)

What montyty said is completely irrelevant, the run was played on a legit Wii that happens to have a very rare family edition drive that could play GC games to my knowledge (for the record, there is a faster known Wii in possession by toobou). The run removal was decided in a community poll in 2021.

BlueJay2018 e Waxy ti piace questo
Greater London, England

what you’re looking for is this:

the modded wii thing was just a false rumour some top runners spread. there’s a case file on it on that leaderboard

BlueJay2018, Ringo6575, e Waxy ti piace questo

Incredible work of art @shoutplenty ! This seems very complete, I didn't even know what happened to some runners who've disappeared from the LB. This should be in the ressources at this point. There's still sone things I don't understand, like why Zelpikukirby is known as "Anonymous (7)" while his name is also on the LB. But that's really small things.

Well, what I find ridiculous is that some names I thought were neutral aren't at all. Spreading those false rumours as top speedrunners and doing a "community" poll that the most part of the actual community seems to not even know the existance is quite biased. This kind of behaviour isn't needed, this is giving the stick to be beaten with. No need to wonder anymore why the SMS speedrunning community is kindly mocked sometimes.

Whatever, thanks to you all for the answer and shoutout (pun intended lol) to shoutplenty's even more accurate leaderboard!

BlueJay2018 piace questo
Greater London, England

glad to help @Waxy, cheers for the shoutout haha

the anonymous names are printed like so on the leaderboard, but are all converted to identifiable names on the accurate leaderboard, so i hope that explains your point about zelpikukirby

yeah i agree that these things should be in resources, but the community is run on a kind of “official”-ness system, where the moderators exert direct control of some leaderboards and don’t acknowledge the existence of things outside that. i remember they gave a speech looking back at 2023 where they ignored somebody getting 20 individual level world records, because they weren’t on their leaderboards

the bias from the top runners comes from them hating each other as you noticed. idk wym about polls that people aren’t aware of tho

the community is in general a very disturbed, dysfunctional and unproductive place, with resources for example stagnating owing to years of uncontrolled hate and conflicts and seemingly no ability to resolve them

you can browse all the resources i’ve made at

BlueJay2018 piace questo

Well, for Zelpikukirby, I still don't get it... On, he doesn't appear under the Anonymous tag, he is even a mod ahah

Regarding everything else you said... Well, that's really sad... should be a sort of archive, something for the game itself and not for how top runners and moderators want things to be. What I will mainly remember is to do my own researches to see the actual world records, which is quite tedious when we normally have a site doing the job.

And I was referencing the poll mentionned by truther42069 ahah

I will check this site deeper when I've got more free times in my hands :)

BlueJay2018 piace questo

hi @Waxy,

Just to add some comments.

  1. The thing with Guy2308 was a decision made by a poll (if i remember well) because after anonymization and all the reveal from the problems that they caused. He continually made fun of the situation in his twitter and that trigger the most affected part of the community. That was the main reason why started to think on removing Guy2308. Also if I remember well the mods made a poll of this situation asking about it time ago (i don't know in what ended).

  2. Yes, there still conflicts that are not resolve and it is true that have been difficult to close those conflicts (in memory is not that big amount of topic, but yes is a big conflict.

  3. This part of shout opinion:

the community is in general a very disturbed, dysfunctional and unproductive place, with resources for example stagnating owing to years of uncontrolled hate and conflicts and seemingly no ability to resolve them

Is the one that I think I have a different opinion. I think that is not that the community is very disturbed, dysfunctional and unproductive place. I think that is too harsh having that there is a good amount of people that is very nice, that you can have fun, share IL, talk about sms, routing, etc. Yes, like in any community you can found people that is not like that. And yes, that shout is maybe his point of view based on his situation with the mods.

I'm not saying that I'm defending the whole group, but yes it triggers me when I know that is not a general case.

P.S. I think the resources with that leaderboard that shout has can have different times, because there is a group of runners that not submit the times in the community leaderboard. But they are good resources.

Modificato da l'autore 1 year ago
BlueJay2018 piace questo
Pays de la Loire, France

Zelpiku and a few other runners have been anonymized on the board by their own choice, not all anonymous players have done anything wrong. Anonymizing runs is done by changing the player name to disconnect them from any actual accounts, so it's completely independent of the player still having an SRC account.

And yeah, Guy's runs were fully deleted shortly after the zoomers were anonymized and he tried to circumvent/mock that decision by renaming his socials to "Anonymous (8)", it had nothing to do with the disc drive stuff which was researched much later.

BlueJay2018, Zeldocto, e AntBlueR ti piace questo
Greater London, England

it’s not cos of my persecution @MrYhatoh; it’s a general observation

unproductivity is clear (wiki, il categories + cheat codes, load retiming)

disturbed and dysfunctional comes out of the amount of abnormal persistent dynamics, like the censure of names in discussions, the zoomer bullying overtly lasting several years, the amount of hate crusades against “bad people”, dogpiling, psychological abuse, mutual defamation dynamics, the clout war over what is and isn’t world record, the official abuser libel made without seeing any evidence, the huge turnover of mods, the buried abuse case and tribute to the offender

i don’t see the relevance of there being good people; my point was the community itself is clearly messed up, considering all this stuff festers for years. and it’d be wise to realise this is holding back constructive progress and gives the community its bad reputation, rather than being in denial

there isn’t one group of runners who don’t submit times; there are dozens of separate corrections made to the other boards as well as several people who submit directly to the il board

Modificato da l'autore 11 months ago
Greater London, England

What I will mainly remember is to do my own researches to see the actual world records, which is quite tedious when we normally have a site doing the job.

@Waxy i think it models the real world in many ways. we have accurate information while people get on, and after that everything turns into a propaganda war where it’s up to you to try to figure out what’s actually going on


First, what I meant is that your opinion can be biased based on the emotions, not that your whole argument was based on that.

Also, because I interpreted your words about the community, specially the word disturbed, as the community like a dark place without nothing good. As I felt is too much.

Also is clear that the IL work will be not done, because the mains people that was working on that leaves, and if there is no people interested on working on that, doesn't make the community a mess, because is stuff that can happen. And the people that is there maybe don't do too much for IL's because of time, personal stuff, or directly there is no people that wants to work on that.

And also because the main people working on or the people that was interested on leave, is no reason to hate them or stuff like that, they had the right of do whatever they want.

Of the other stuff I will not give my opinion about it, because I think here is not place for that.

My main reason to speak, was because I felt you tag a huge group of something that I don't think they had to be tagged on.

(sorry for my poor english)

Modificato da l'autore 11 months ago
Zeldocto piace questo

While I have understood the reasons to delete those runs, I'm also very happy to see them back recently under those Anonymous forms. Big thanks to @SunshineModTeam !

Zeldocto e MrYhatoh ti piace questo