In Game Time And maybe Race leaderboard?
5 years ago

Hi, im interest to maybe speedrun this game but I have questions . Why not considered cumulate in game time (ex Punch out!) or there some issue that i dont know?&?&? Dont take it wrong i dont want to complain but why not do a Level Leaderboard and timing each race individualy??? IDK i'm maybe alone to think that game can be more fun to speedrun. Sorry for my bad english.


Minnesota, USA

RTA is far easier and should be pretty consistent player to player. There's no variance in SMK as in Punch Out with those "fake stand ups" from the CPU. If you'd like to add up the cumulative times for each course, have at it and make a note of it, but it's not necessary, imo.

Individual course times, as has been repeated in several forum posts, already have dedicated sites with thousands of players. There's the Time Trial site: and the 150cc site: if you'd like to compete in individual levels on a much more in depth basis.


Ok so basically you said that the proportion with real time and game time will be the same. I tough that maybe not all system will load game /course in the same amount of time and i dont know for me its the time in race that really matter not the time you loose in loading or menu. But ok i understand your point and thx linking me other site i will check it for sure. And yeah THX for your answer and sorry for my poor english.

Minnesota, USA

The only big difference in time between courses is on PAL vs NTSC. NTSC is faster both in gameplay and between courses, and since you're in Canada it is highly likely that you are on NTSC. I'm not 100% sure about all the ports that have been done (VC, SNES Mini) but since they are all NTSC they should be the same.

It is my opinion that for speedruns you should be using the fastest possible setup. For example, all the top players of Zelda: Link to the Past use the J v1.0 cartridge for the faster text and cart-exclusive glitches. Just the same, serious SMK all cups runners should just go with NTSC.


No i have a NTSC but japanese version exactly because i heard that was faster cause of text. But i didnt know that have difference between game version. I dont know wich version i get loll anyway i have so many work to do to compete that version probably not matter at my piont loll. But at the same time again in Punch Out loooks like Pal version are faster (not for raeding) but in real game time than others. And this my question why not seperate those thing in leaderboard. Basically what you said is every people who get a PAL version of the game a no chance at all to compete. But whatever like i said i have a lot of time to put in this before my name will appaer on leaderboard loll

Minnesota, USA

the SMK TT site and 150cc GP site have separate PAL charts, so PAL players do indeed have a chance to compete. Most of the top players on PAL have a NTSC system as well. This site doesn't need separate charts because all cups runs are kind of a niche category.

Midi-Pyrénées, France

I would be in favor of having at least separate PAL and NTSC charts, and i'd even further by having also separate 1P and 2P charts, but whatever...

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