I have some runs that I'd like to get verified, not for the leaderboard but because I upload some of my footage to my YouTube channel and I would like to have my runs verified even though they're not PBs.
Is it possible?
if they used to he your pbs then they’ll be considered obsolete runs which will get verified
Like he said, if you improve a time that is obsolete, then it will most likely get verified.
I just want to tell my possible viewers and subscribers on YouTube that the run they're watching has been verified even though the run is not a PB. Just so they now. As I said non-PB runs obviously are not for the leaderboard but I like to post my runs on YouTube with "run verified" in the video's description.
Even though that might technically be permitted (I don't know), be advised that leaderboard moderation is time consuming, and that mods are doing it for free. I would not submit runs that have never been a PB.
That makes 0 sense. Why flood this community with runs that don't change the leaderboards at all? This is one of the busiest games on this website. Let's not burden mods with nonsense that doesn't affect anyone but yourself. These people put a ton of time into this. Asking them to verify personal runs for no reason is an insult to their time.
Following Twitch’s announcement regarding the 100-hour storage limit for Highlights, the SMB1 mod team recommends that runners reupload any previously submitted Twitch highlights to a permanent video hosting website (e.g., YouTube) and resubmit any submissions labelled as "at-risk".