Understanding JP OoB glitch
9 years ago
California, USA

Do we know anything about this or how this could be used in lets say mission 9 to speed things up? I am very curious why it only works on JP. I only know that SigNa (of course) and Zewing have a copy but if there is a lead to optimizing mission 9 I would be all in for picking up a copy. This said I am hungry to find some optimization with levels such as mission 7 and working with the rail shooters. If anyone is interested just contact me.

Växjö, Sweden

You can, in fact, use the clip to take the arwing inside in mission 9 and shoot all the generators (or whatever they are) from the ship. The problem is that you can not get out. There might be a way to stay inside the wall, shoot the things and then go out again but I doubt anyone would be able to pull that off RTA.

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