Held Object Glitches
1 year ago

Condensing all the previous stuff I've found so its all in the same thread. I'm going to type "edge of its allowed basket area" a lot, so I'm just going to type EBA for Edge of Basket area.

Pressing zoom while Fox (or Krystal) auto throws an object at the edge of its EBA causes the object to be thrown, but Fox's throw animation doesn't play until you unzoom.

Doing this on a object that respawns causes the new instance of the object to be thrown during Fox's animation.

Having a cutscene play while zoomed still causes the new object to be thrown.

Sharpclaw boxes only respawn if auto thrown by going through a loading zone of some sort, but not when thrown at the edge of their range. When this happen the box doesn't actually get thrown and is instantly teleported to its start location. E.g. The Sharpclaw crates at the start of OFP; if you try to cross the tile puzzle with them the crate is thrown normally and destroyed, but if you try to leave OFP with one the throw animation plays but the box is instantly teleported back instead of thrown.

Sharpclaw boxes are not able to cause the delayed animation if taken through the loading zone, but will if taken to the edge of their range.

If a respawning basket is thrown straight into the void it respawns as normal, but if it is auto thrown at EBA or bounces off some collision before falling to the void then the basket respawns and immediately falls through the floor back into the void. When the new respawned basket respawns again it respawns as normal, instead of falling through the floor again.

If the delayed animation is done as the basket or respawned basket is falling it will throw the basket from its current position.

Normally deloading the area while holding a basket causes a softlock or crash, however I tried positioning Fox so when targeting the camera would swing out of bounds then back in causing the map to unload and reload. You can also do the same camera thing as you press A, so as the map deloads the basket also deloads as its just getting thrown, but fox is frozen in his animation and will finish his animation after the map reloads when the camera pans further, this version doesn’t seem to crash at all if fox is far enough through the throw.

Falling oob into the void while holding a non-respawning basket causes the basket to be thrown as you go off the edge. The basket will then teleport back up to a point then get rethrown.

Slow Falls:

Pressing A and Z at the same time to zoom during the throw animation and not release the basket, when you unzoom the throw will continue as normal. Doing this just next to the EBA, as you pan the camera, the animation hitbox will hit the EBA and will throw the basket while already being zoomed putting Fox into the normal glitched animation state. The same thing works with barrels and Sharpclaw boxes.

Pressing A and Z together as you go off a ledge will stop Fox throwing the basket automatically as he falls off the edge and will instead cause Fox to slowly fall with the basket while zoomed. Unzooming mid fall will cause Fox to stop falling as he throws then begin to fall like normal. This works with baskets, barrels and SC boxes. Doing this on a cliff face with jagged collision can let you get a bit of a roll off immediately after the throw.

Doing this while dropping into the void from out of bounds has the same slow fall effect but you get stopped after a short distance. Pressing Z at the right time after throwing will cause fox to not fall afterwards if stationary when throwing, or will let fox continue slow falling if falling when pressing Z. You can't do anything while fox isn't falling and trying to walk causes fox to start falling.

When entering a void walk it will cause Fox to fall slowly into the void then fall as normal once the basket is released. Once you reach the edge of the bounding box you stop falling, so this allows you to get the maximum void walk height.

Panning the camera to hit the EBA while slow falling causes Fox to release the basket, but continue slow falling as normal. Unzooming still causes Fox to do his throw animation then fall as normal.

You can slow fall using the ball. You can also slow fall with a basket then during the brief window where you can quake you can pull out the ball, then press Z and A all with perfect timing to do it in the short window and it lets you start another slow fall in mid-air after cancelling the first.

You can ground quake in the air after ending a slow fall, I assume for the same reason ground quake hovers work.

zcanann e Dark-X-rane ti piace questo


Unloading a barrel at the same time it explodes causes Fox to do his pickup barrel animation instead of his throw animation which he normally does when carrying a barrel past its unload range.

Dying and hitting the void out at the same time causes Fox to die and spawn the death animation fox, but it waits until the void out before doing the normal death screen.

Barrel keeping wind tunnel height after thrown from BvqR.

Krystal Launch:

Pressing Target at the right time can alter your trajectory

Launching with a barrel not connected to the pad causes to barrel to respawn on Krystal after instead of its spawn pad.

zcanann e Dark-X-rane ti piace questo

Technically two different glitches that act very similar. One replaces ball with object and the other object with ball.

Ball First:

Pressing Y to pull out the ball one frame before pressing A to pickup an object causes Fox to pull out the ball and the object to become intangible. Leaving the map causes the object to become unentangled. Throwing the ball with leave the basket in Limbo permanently and disable the A button for all purposes except to interact with the ball and some exceptions like the Arwing and Warpstone. When within the EBA doing a forced throw (e.g. Falling, Taking Damage, Entering Cutscene) causes the object to replace the ball in Fox's hand. Works with Baskets, Barrels and Meteorites.

If small enough fall distance can also be used to get baskets to a lower floor.

With baskets, when outside the EBA, the forced throw will cause Fox to do a basket launch. The trajectory is based on Fox's position and angle when picking up the basket initially. The camera and what direction you are walking when triggering the launch can effect the trajectory.

This can be used to get the CC Fire Gem without Ice Blast without having to air swim.

Dark X-rane's Faster Method:

For a metoerite while outside the EBA after force throwing the ball there can be a delay before the meteroite appears in Fox's hand. If a ledge is grabbed you can leave and the meteorite will appear in Fox's hand after you return close enough to the meteorite.

Having the meteorite be destroyed instantly after appearing in Fox's hand causes it to respawn and fall to the ground. It cannot be interacted with other than pressing A launches it in the direction Fox is looking. After launching and destroying it will reappear in Fox's hand and will be immediately thrown, you can re-entangle the meteorite when it tries to go into Fox's hand after launching.

Object First:

While holding an Object as normal, pressing Y to try to pull out the ball then triggering a forced throw will cause the object to be thrown and Fox will still carry an invisible object. If the object respawned, throwing the invisible object remote throws the respawned object from its current position. Triggering a forced throw while holding nothing causes the ball to get put into Fox's hand from its intangible state under Tricky.

Attempting to leave the map while holding nothing causes the ball to get put into Fox's hand. This can be avoided by deloading and reloading the area, however throwing or force throwing causes a crash.

Doing this with a meteorite causes Fox to still hold it, but it enters a weird state where it regains collision and somewhat clips into Fox. Running into walls with it causes it to explode but stay in Fox's hand so can be done repeatedly, running into objects damages them very quickly, boxes are destroyed instantly.

zcanann e Dark-X-rane ti piace questo
San Francisco, CA, USA

It is also possible to get a boost of normal SharpClaw crates: A glitch hunting candidate would be if we could get a "free" hover OOB in IM. This would save a substantial amount of time in Single File, where hovering during the Snowhorn Trial is optimal

josejavier1158 piace questo
San Francisco, CA, USA

In case we ever need to find a basket hover in LFV, we can enable tricky ball by doing CCE and hitting the loading triggers by the K3 door

josejavier1158 piace questo

Collecting the Fire Gem during CC1 won't trigger the cutscene and won't change the water height. When returning for CC2 the cutscene triggers on loading the area causing the water to change and Fox to warp to the cutscene location.

josejavier1158 piace questo

Allows access to Garunde Te as an alternative to DIME and Shield Hover and allows you to skip the TTH Well in SF without Shield Hover. In most cases requires a frame perfect input to stay on the higher ledge to have enough height. Once you get around the invisible wall you can just go straight over the fence collision with no issue.

Consistent setup for getting the launch with no frame perfect inputs required. General idea is to move forward until there's a gap between the top of the right side of the fence and the tree its visually just next to. Too precise of a carry angle needed to go around the inner part of the fence, less precise angle needed to go around the entire fence itself and not just the invisible wall which is at least more RTA viable, but even with consistent inputs from save states the exact launch path can be slightly different and make it less consistent.

Modificato da l'autore 1 year ago
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