Mass Retiming
4 years ago
Texas, USA

Hey all!

Circinus, our new moderator, has kindly agreed to help me retime all the runs on the leaderboard with

This will provide frame-perfect retiming for all runs on the leaderboard before August 15th, 2020.

All runs taking place after August 15th, 2020 will be retimed by a moderator with yt-frame-timer, as well.

We are dividing the work as such (in case anyone disputes a time, talk to the retimer):

  • Circinus retimed all of New Game+, including obsolete runs (which only happen in World 1).
  • Oxknifer retimed all Any% runs (including obsolete), all 100% runs (including obsolete), and all ? individual levels (which have no obsoletes).

Timing changes:

  • We will no longer be retiming with/without load times. We will only retime with load times for the time being.
  • Individual levels have been stripped of their real time times to standardize the method of timing. All individual levels will now be timed with the in-game timer. ? individual levels, which do not have an in-game timer, will be timed with yt-frame-timer
  • Time used to start when the button to begin the first level is pressed. Sometimes, the button pressed is not visible in the video. To standardize timing across runs of different categories, time will start on the first frame that the cat opens its mouth to meow and ends when the facial expression changes when hitting the finish line. (In any game, timing should start based on the first action of the user, but if you think about it, the meow is still caused by pressing the level button. We don't lose any user actions by starting time on the meow.)

Edit: A vote took place in the Neutronized Discord on 8/15/2020 on whether to retime with loads, without loads, or by adding up IGT. Main argument: Timing without loads is much more accurate, but takes a heck of a long time to complete.

With Loads: Oxknifer, MrUppercaseT, GODCHUECO, Zambrini voted Without Loads: Circinus, DarkShadow voted IGT Add-Up: GODCHUECO voted

Based on this community vote, we will continue retiming with loads for the time being. If users would like to retime their runs without loads and keep record of it in the run comments, they are more than welcome to do so.

Modificato da l'autore 4 years ago
Statistiche del gioco
Giocate recenti
Livello: World 2-1
Livello: World 4-V
Livello: World 1-V
Livello: World 1-4
Livello: World 1-3
Discussioni recenti
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Pubblicato 6 years ago
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