Satisfactory Any% Glitched completed in 2:48:50.
This run makes heavy use of the Factory Cart glitch to duplicate items - picking up or disassembling the Factory Cart with an item in it will result in getting a second copy of that item - as well as, to a lesser extent, that locking structures in place allows for them to be placed in locations that would otherwise not be allowed. Because I can duplicate items, Milestones were only selected if they either had a Project Part or unlocked a structure required to build a Project Part, while the items needed that those skipped Milestones would normally unlock (notably: Plastic, Rubber, Alclad Aluminum Sheet, Aluminum Casing, Cooling System, and Fused Modular Frame) were grabbed from Crash Sites.
Going to be honest: this run is a bit (lot) rough around the edges. This category is my first real speed run, and this recording is the fourth time I've done the full run. There's a number of spots in the first ~20 minutes where better movement and/or practice could probably help shave a minute+ off the time, and there are large stretches in the last hour where I'm literally doing nothing or just messing around while waiting for the Milestone timer to run down so I can unlock the next Milestone to actually progress.
Video comment has a breakdown of splits.