What's the pbs of 2 WRs
5 years ago

Tell about the problem. What happened?


New rules. But these rules don't touch previous runs. Please, read the rules. They are begun in 5 March.

Modificato da l'autore 5 years ago

You may click on name of the game and, when you see leaderboard, click to "View rules" to see a new rules. It's simple.


Who made these rules? Is that discussed by community? And why current wr is missing new rules? It does not have inputs and frame counter. I think it discriminates other people. So what's the point making the rules and not following them?

TheMotherBrain86, treyvz e 2 Altri ti piace questo

The new rules are discriminatory for runners from China, as they have blocked Twitch and YouTube services and this is not their fault. The FanXiaobao race is more informative than yours, Rush, so I think that you will have to remove your runs, as well as all the inconsistent ones according to the rules entered. Either return the old rules and confirm the run of FanXiaobao.

Modificato da l'autore 5 years ago
TheMotherBrain86 e Krayzar ti piace questo

I want you to understand me. You're uploading your run into to the other site, where advertising goes 1 minute, from I cannot download video to count frames correctly, so I need to turn on my OBS to record your run for counting. It's not comfortable and annoying. Do you agree? I was doing that on S.C.A.T. and I found that time doesn't match with the time you set. And with Final Mission too. I found that time doesn't match with the time you set too, but on Japanese version you've got WR anyway. I agree.

Besides, it's not so difficult to download livesplit and let it be showed on video.

And every game has own speedrun rules. And they differ from each other.

I rejected your runs not because I want to have 1st place, but because I want to see honest speedrunning. That's it.

Please, don't be prejudiced to me.


And I know Chinese runner, who uploaded own run "Contra Force" on YouTube. He showed not only input display and frame counter, but timer by Livesplit. So there is no discrimination. Here is the links: https://www.speedrun.com/Contra_Force/run/zp0oewvm

  • Run must be added on YouTube or Twitch;
  • Video of run must have 60 FPS only;
  • Timer must be showed and used for run; For consoles:
  • Input display or gamepad of this game must be showed.

This is a joke right?

Edit: For a little advice, I recommend this tutorial to calculate the time for runs. You do not need to download the video to do this. Hopefully this would help...

Modificato da l'autore 5 years ago
ukionik, treyvz e 5 Altri ti piace questo
Iowa, USA

These rules are ridiculous, unless you can proof something is wrong with the videos in question I recommend to do away with some of these requirements as Seydie summed it up pretty well. As a moderator for this game you should be retiming every run as they are submitted, you cannot literally go by a timer included in a video because they are never completely accurate because of human nature (which if you are supposedly frame counting then why in the world are you enforcing people to include a timer?).

You also cannot enforce someone to include a gamepad viewer or an input display easily on consoles and there shouldn't be a reason to enforce 60FPS and don't get me started on forcing people to use those social media websites only.

Aside of having to retime the current run, you don't have a strong case that anything is wrong with the videos provided and the rule changes weren't even discussed with the community. I already find it fairly suspsions these rule changes came extremely recently and they almost feel like they are purposely discriminating china runners (and probably other regions).

I strongly advise to do away with some of these enforcements of the rules.

Modificato da l'autore 5 years ago
TheMotherBrain86, ukionik e 3 Altri ti piace questo

Rules shouldn't be made without consulting anyone lol.

Krayzar piace questo
Ohio, USA

Any run in any game needs to follow the rules given.

Just because rules were put in place on a certain date it doesn't mean runs done before it are exempt.

Also if a community of players thinks rules are bad. The community as a whole should discuss it. Not just one mod.

ukionik, Krayzar, e xenkaroshi ti piace questo

I read you all. I'll remove some of the rules, which were doubtful for you all, like:

  • Video of run must have 60 FPS only;
  • Timer must be showed and used for run; For consoles:
  • Input display or gamepad of this game must be showed.

About Seydie's tutorial. I'm greatful for this video, thank you, but there is a problem. iqiyi.com site doesn't has an option to see video's FPS for time calculating. Is that a good reason for uploading on YouTube or Twitch? So, what am I supposed to do? Maybe that's why I'm begging to upload on YouTube or Twitch or recording by OBS.

It's not my fault too, that they have limited internet. And I told you, I do not discriminate Chinese runners. A lot of them are using YouTube for uploading own run.


Well, I can count frames, but actually it may not be accurate, if I don't know video's FPS (site with video uploading doesn't let me see it) and if I can't download this (because site again).

Iowa, USA

I appreciate the rules were amended (although again, doing it silently is not a good sign) but the remaining issue still remains with enforcing people to use two specific sites to upload runs. What Liv is very true, since NES games run at 60.0988 and even if you wanted to enforced those websites, unless they literally matched the frame-rate on the video and those social media sites allow a custom FPS like that, you are still stuck having to manually frame-count it no matter what you do.

Do away with this rule, I can tell you have the right intentions but its pretty bad and it will restrict this games growth for those wanting to run it. There are genuine solutions and Sey did provide a good resource if its that much of a problem.

Modificato da l'autore 5 years ago
Krayzar piace questo

I could count frames of this game using 60.1 FPS, because it's NES, but I have to check all runs of this leaderboard to set correct times and to get the right way.

The rule "- Run must be added on YouTube or Twitch;" has been removed.

I'm doing this, because Speedrun Community politely asked me to change the rules. For me it's something saint and I've been supported, because I'm speedrunning games and people like it. I thank them so much. But not because I've been unreasonably blamed of discrimination by persons who don't know my real intentions and who slandering me. I don't require apologizes.

Does anyone have questions or suggestions?

Dangerless piace questo
Ohio, USA

Why do you need to frame count anyway? The runs are measured in whole seconds not milliseconds. The difference between a 26:00.001 and 26:00.999 means nothing. Also since you re-changed a bunch of rules you need to reevaluate the rejected runs to see if they are now legit or not.

Ohio, USA

Also.... maybe add someone else as a mod as well. Someone active. That way it doesnt look like you are just rejecting runs and making rules in order to keep your WR.


I'll check rejected runs one more time. Because I had a problem with videos, which uploaded to other sites, I have to count frames to get right time then.


Problem solved.

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