(2023) Route Notes - 100 Stamp - Any% NMG
(2023) Route Notes - 100 Stamp - Any% NMG
Aggiornato 1 year ago di Killer7151

This year as a personal challenge/project I took a close look at both 100 Stamp and Any% NMG and tried my best to find the fastest route that I could for both categories.

I have documented my route notes for both categories in separate pastebins which you can find below. I hope these act as useful guides for those thinking about speedrunning this game!

100 Stamp - https://pastebin.com/HbkbbSCc

Any% NMG - https://pastebin.com/XpPGzz0i

If you have any questions or find any issues/errors within the route notes, feel free to reach out to me on Discord.

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Some Updates on Leaderboards

With the help of some feedback we have made some updates to the leaderboards.

  • Added ”Any% (No Major Glitches)" category. This prohibits president skip and lap glitches. In other words, it is a category where you must do the race correctly to win the World Grand Prix.
  • Changed subcategories
2 years ago
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