Photo for high score% ???
5 years ago
Basque Country

With a photo, you can prove your best score. You cannot send a photo to validate the run, you only can with a video?


I tried to submit a photo for highscore but it was rejected because I need a video proof, I guess that the decision of professorduck for allowing photos is gone


I didn't really understand what you mean, the high score% have nothing to do with time, the time that present in the breadboard is the higher score that the player got

United States

well it says in the rules no revives so how can we tell if you've used revives if no video is provided

Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

I agree that right now it's more endurance than speedrun, but a video proof is also a guide on how to do it, and it's more entertaining than a screenshot

Kent, England

Is a photo allowed if it shows the option to revive at the end? (As it would show that no revives have been used)

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Verification + Rule Rewrite


I recently got added as a moderator for this game to help out with verification. I’ll try to get all the runs verified that have been sitting in queue and then rewriting the rules to become more clear.

Thank you for your patience,


1 year ago
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