My opinion about things that people do in SAKTK
5 months ago
Tokyo, Japan

My opinion about things that people do in SAKTK:

1- PAPing a gun in Normal Classic Mode is a pure waste of time. Bro, the killers already die with 1 shot of any normal weapon, why you gonna PAP it? Seriously, the only good PAPed weapon is the PAP M1911, because the explosion can kill killers that are following you in group. So if you wanna PAP some gun, only PAP the M1911 (in Normal Classic Mode)

2- Closing the Slenderman door. Seriously? Just take some gun and shoot it, or if you don't wanna open the door, just take a M203 or a Crossbow and shoot the door with Slenderman inside, i understand your fear

3- Jumping a few times like a spammer in Killer Mode / Juggernaut Mode. Ok, i understand you if a lot of people are shooting you with OP guns at the same time chasing you, but bro, jumping like that with only one person shooting you? He will think bad things about you, like.. he gonna think you're a spammer inside the game.

So that's all of this thread i wanted to write. Also, i gonna make another thread about.. i don't know

Thanks :3


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