The "gearless" world record uses gear.
4 years ago
He/Him, They/Them
4 years ago

Sure it's not him with it equipped, but he utilizes it, meaning he uses it. The gearless WR should be moved to gears, if not unverified completely.

MinecraftGaming e TDP_320 ti piace questo
Indiana, USA

yeah I just noticed that after I saw this post. sure it’s not him using the gear, but it’s the other person using the gear to help him. I totally agree with you

He/Him, They/Them
4 years ago

@Gev hey could you unverify the gearless record please thanks

MinecraftGaming piace questo

He doesn’t use gear he only uses another person to jump to the underground section

Although he had it in his inventory, he did not use it at any part of the run in any way.

Indiana, USA

what we are saying is that the other person uses gear in order for the person that is actually doing the run to get up there. so technically it uses gear

Oh. I thought he was just using the glitch “flicking”

in my opinion, i dont think its counts because of the other player's gear.

She/Her, They/Them
4 years ago

why are other players even allowed???? dumb af

4d9r e TDP_320 ti piace questo
Indiana, USA


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