Bell any%

I believe that the true arduous task of being a good speedrunner comes from doing the simplest things as fast as you possibly can. With that being said, I believe that there should be a bell any% category in which runners would forced to ring the starting room bell until it breaks. Also, it would be pretty funny to see how other people try and ring the bell as fast as possible like me.

Kent, England

i would love that problem is autoclickers

HeyItsCeleste piace questo
Florida, USA
He/Him, They/Them
2 years ago

maybe require handcam?


why? nobody is gonna use a handcam lmao

Modificato da l'autore 2 years ago
She/Her, They/Them
2 years ago

i think the easiest solution is Not Adding The Category

KtheKat_Gaming, FlameFXtreme e 10 Altri ti piace questo
United States


HeyItsCeleste piace questo

I would use a handcam, anything for the bell any%


i already have made a speedrun about it, waiting for the category rn, CHOP CHOP

Bosnia and Herzegovina


ethanbishopp03, lemoncoughdrop e 3 Altri ti piace questo
New York, USA

what typa retarded shit are you on??

zir0nic piace questo

Man, if Nickachu and Terrible4Years were verifiers they would’ve let it happen.

Dolnośląskie, Poland
He/Him, She/Her, They/Them, It/Its
2 years ago

I did not agree for the man to use my name above me.


Well clearly someone doesn’t have a filter, I mean if I were a mod I too would call a category I thought to be of the lesser form of the ideas I would see everyday. I wouldn’t respond with such outlandish and vulgar language. Plus, why give the players freedom of expression if you are gonna berate them for having it.


Average twitter user. I honestly dont care, i kinda did this as a joke in the first place. Though I still think Bell any% is better than some of the other ideas you could be getting. Like death any% which is literally luck based.

Iowa, USA

My guy says death% is luck based. Clearly hasn't seen the whole damn game is luck based

Koko_296 e Cosmik7 ti piace questo

Theres a difference when its “hey im gonna run into a room and hope rush spawns” and playing an hour worth of a video game. Plus A I made the thread as a joke and B If you consider a paragraph to be the constitution then you need to retake 5th grade.


You did not just delete what you said just to put a nerd emoji

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