Although the title still says mobile, PC has been added as a valid way to run.
same rules apply, mouse needs to be recorded, but can be used to submit runs to each category.
if an advantage is found that makes the steam version far superior to mobile, we will revisit this and possibly sperate them out.
until then. steam, ios, or android are all valid ports.
Since you're allowing Steam runs now, maybe you could change the title of the game to "Risk: Global Domination" and leave out the "(Mobile)" part. After that, consider adding the Switch port as well since that board on its own seems to have no runs and isn't being used. Consolidation is always fun.
Felix pointed out that the Scenarios have been Removed from risk, with a new tutorial system taking it's place. What are your thoughts as a runner?
Being the new tutorial is so short, my initial thoughts are to have the tutorial be the full game run and archiving the old full game runs.