Hello, I have recently been looking into doing some runs of this game, but I do not know how to time or set up a run. I've never done an official speedrun on console before so I don't know what to use, as I cant just load up LiveSplit.
I assume I'm not allowed to use an emulator, but how do I accurately record times on console? I currently have the game on Wii (I know, only the most high quality of consoles) but I can get it for PS3 if required. (might do that anyway, Wii controls are not optimized for speed)
Thanks for the help!
Hey. Sorry for the late response. To be perfectly honest, I'm not 100% sure as I haven't actually created a full run for the game myself, just done a bunch of routing, but I think the best bet is to get a capture card. You could get one for either AVI cords or HDMI, based on which console you wanted to try running for. I personally have PS3, but the capture card I currently have is not great. But yeah, basically, you use a capture card to hook up the Wii (in your case) to your computer, then you can use OBS to record/stream, and LiveSplit to run the timer.
I hope this helped. Please let me know if you have any other questions. I'd be happy to try to help.