Changes coming soon
3 years ago
Victoria, Australia

There is an update for Revisitor coming that will include it's own in game timer for both full runs and IL's. This means that the rules we currently have will be re-done and current full game runs will have to be taken down due to a change with mission 12. Blink is no longer available on that map and that means we can no longer use the early exit glitch, essentially mission 12 will be done glitchless from now on and therefore leaving runs on the leaderboard with the glitched method wouldn't be very fair.

So there are a few drawbacks but the in game timer being provided will be much more accurate for leaderboards as it will count milliseconds AND it doesn't count load times or level selection screen time. We will now be able to separate the real time from game time all while having a more accurate timing method for full game runs and can even do IL runs that will be timed down to the frame to avoid any tied IL records.

These changes aren't happening straight away however since, at the time of posting this there are still some bugs and issues with the timer in the current patch. As soon as the in game timer works 100% we will change the rules and get rid of any existing Full game runs on the leaderboard.


The update with the speedrun tools has been released, and from my short testing of it I'm having no issues. When will the rule changes happen?

Modificato da l'autore 3 years ago
Victoria, Australia

Sometimes a level won't load properly and the timer will reset to zero randomly. I will change the rules for IL runs since it works fine for a single level but there is a chance for full runs the timer resets.

I will update IL rules but not full game rules since it still has some inconsistencies.


The recent update fixed the timer resetting issue (apparently it reset whenever the time hit 16:40). I haven't had any other issues with it so i think it's safe to say that IGT timing is completely viable now

Victoria, Australia

So as Texyle has said the IGT in now accurate and I switched the timer display to prioritize IGT over real time but apparently there is a bug with where if a game starts with real time as the main one it won't fix and you can't switch it to IGT over real time. The only fix is too change it to without loads BUT then we would have to reverify every run on the leaderboards. So there is 2 ways about this.

Firstly we could change it to time without loads but all current runs and world records would have to be resubmitted or edited so they would show up on the leaderboards again as I would have to edit the whole structure which if it is something we are for I can work on.

Or we just submit runs as we normally do but just put your IGT in the Real Time slot when submitting runs and I can update the rules to explain why we have done this to clear up and confusion new runners would have.

So there you go, one of them is a fix that would involve a fair bit more work and the other is a work around until maybe the bug gets fixed.


Ah, that's unfortunate. But I think it would be better to fix it now while this game isn't super popular and there aren't that many runs.

And personally, I would hate if we'd have to put IGT in place of RTA because, not only is it confusing, we're completely getting rid of RTA

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