Do I Need To Get The Premium Version For Runs?
3 years ago
United States

The title is the text.

AntBlueR piace questo
Czech Republic

It isn't needed for anything but gives you a disadvantage in full game runs. If you run ILs or IWs only tho there's basically no need to get it

Oh_my_gourdness e AntBlueR ti piace questo
Distrito Federal, Brazil

No, just don't die 5 times and you're good

AntBlueR piace questo
Czech Republic

There's a thing called "WiFi" you have turned on. If you're not streaming it, you can just turn off the wifi (or data if you're using them) and play without ads. Also, I've been told you can also turn on airplane mode, but I never tried that so I guess you can try yourself

Oh_my_gourdness piace questo
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Web Has Been Added As A Platform

You are now allowed to submit runs done on the official WebGL Unity version of the game, which can be found here:

There is currently no speed challenge mode available for this version, which means you cannot submit

1 year ago
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