Recording with Guncon
4 years ago
Seattle, WA, USA

Hi there! So I saw Carci do this but I was wondering how it was possible to record footage while also not breaking the light gun capabilities completely?


As you might already know, for the lightgun to work you have to have a CRT TV and the RCA T-cable. If you want to capture the footage via capture card, you have to split the video signal at some point. I don't really know how to do this on other video standards, but for me being in PAL region with SCART, it's very easy to just use a Y-cable just before the TV to mirror the composite video signal to a SCART-to-HDMI converter, and then to a capture card. I can whip up some diagrams on what my connections are and post them in this thread.

DemonicRobots piace questo

This is my current setup for capturing and playing with a GunCon

As said, I use SCART, the adapters which I left out of the picture, but you prob can substitute with equipment you have. This is to give you a view into a working setup.

Considering speedrunning, I have a feeling GunCon will not save you any time over controller, as not only do you get better movement and mashing X from a Dual Shock 2, but aiming with the gun is unreliable. You might save some time on the last 2 fights, as there is a possibility for better headshots on Morpheus, but I wouldn't risk it if you're looking to get competitive times. You can still have the Dual Shock controller plugged in at the same time tho, and use both controller and GunCon.

Same goes for mouse aim on console btw, it won't save you any time over controller aiming other than the last 2 fights.

DemonicRobots piace questo
Seattle, WA, USA

Thank you for all the information! I know DualShock2 is faster but I feel Guncon would be more fun and a good incentive for marathons and such. Plus it feels more fun. That being said it certainly requires a lot more work for one little thing so I probably won't do it for a while, but this information is certainly quite useful. Thank you so much!

koizom piace questo
United States

I did it with this adapter:

It's an AV breakout for later models of PS1. The original PS1 model had the Composite and audio outputs built in, so it was easy to connect the Sync on Composite cable for the light gun to work.

This AV adapter passes RGB and the PS2 has the same AV pinouts as the PS1, so it works flawlessly on PS2.

Really all the guncon or guncon variants need in order for it to work correctly is a composite signal from the console.

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