Question about splits (new to this)
3 years ago
Wisconsin, USA

New to speed running just was curious what I need to have to submit a counsel run? Like if I need splits set up for it and what not

Texas, USA

See the rules on the leaderboards for the console categories. As far as I know you don't need livesplit as the console categories use the in game timer.

Florida, USA

Splits technically aren't required for PC either - they just need to use livesplit to use the LRT. Since you're a console runner, if you use splits or not is up to your personal preference, but they're not required.


There is no possible way to have splits on console without a capture card, its not required for console runs.

Ohio, USA

I have the splits working but can’t find the link to the LRT. I looked all over discord but missing where it is.

Florida, USA

unity made a good video on setting it all up, @TheMrEnigma72

You can make your own segments against the autosplits, or use a split file unity made (pinned in the timer-and-autosplits channel in the RE8 Speedrun Discord)

TheMrEnigma72 piace questo
Ohio, USA

I was under the impression the LRT was a separate program. If it isn’t then I am good. I played through a whole game and it seems to work properly.

Florida, USA

Nope, I merged it into the LiveSplit list so it's now "built in" to Livesplit as long as the game title is set correctly.

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