Yeah, this has been known for a while. One of the worst things to happen in a run. It's happened to me multiple times.
Great way to lose your good run after getting out of reset city guest house Kappa
Oh yeah the softlock, I luckily haven't had that happen to me in any run, but yeah I've heard about that. That sucks :(
It seems to happen whenever you deal too much damage to Jack (anyway from my experience, and I got softlocked many times there LUL )
i found this happens 1/20 times and it does destroy runs, my runs especially, i barley see this happen to anyone else, it's just a random glitch, BUT HEY, at least it isn't lucas tv softlock FeelsGoodMan
My favorite Jack 1 glitch. Invincible Jack! I can't for the life of me find the vod I saved from when I kept this up for a half hour. Lol.
Hello! Runners im happy to announce that Glitchless is up and running on the CE board!!!
Glitchless Is temporarily Any% Only until further runner activity or demand
Beat the game as fast as possible without using the followin