Pubblicato 10 days ago di

So, as you may already know by now. Twitch has released probably the worst feature known to mankind (100 hours limit on VoDs). And with that me and the other mods decided to do the same. We will not be accepting any runs from twitch going forward. If you livestream your runs on twitch upload them to YouTube before submitting them to the leaderboard. And people who have runs on the boards currently, there's an option in twitch settings to export the VoDs to YouTube without you having to upload them manually so consider exporting them to YouTube and editing the link in your submission. We will not be rejecting current runs that are on twitch but if you have one, please consider editing it because if twitch deleted your run, we would also reject your submission because we don't like having empty submissions


  • If you have a run on twitch, upload it to YouTube and edit the submission
  • If you livestream a speedrun from here going forward, upload it to YouTube before submitting it
  • Any submissions with twitch links after this date will be rejected
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Pubblicato 1 year ago di

So as few of you has heard this while the others didn't we have a Category Extension Board now for this game and all of the previous MISC/MEME Categories have been moved to the other board along with the runs as well so here is a link to the new board good luck

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Pubblicato 1 year ago di

As of 28 march 2023

  • It was updated the rules of how the time is finished in Segments runs, Individual Chapter and SW Ind. Ch. too, some times were changed as in that AutoSplit was in test;

  • All runs that are done on the "Amateur" difficulty have to be played on the Japanese version as on any console version (RE4 PC07 is ported from the Gamecube and PS2 version) and this regardless of which category you are running.


  • There's an additional text in the swords room in 3-1 when you take and put the second sword.

Question Q: It seems like a small detail? A: Yes, but it is different and will be added to the rule as it was with AutoSplit.

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Pubblicato 2 years ago di

As of 3 march 2023 input layout is required to have on your video and not showing it will result in rejection of the run check out the general rules for more information. Runs that were submitted before this day will stay on the board. Thank you for your time.

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Pubblicato 2 years ago di

I have seen some people (without mentioning names again) when submitting they don't fill the region of their game versions please fill it it helps other users organise how the runs appear to them

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Pubblicato 2 years ago di
  • I have seen some people (without mentioning names) using RTA for the MISC categories just like the other category extention rules Please understand that we (the moderators) have created those categories here because we wanna time them with the load remover because they didn't have any chance to compete against STEAM and NEWER CONSOLES because of how fast their loading screen was so please stop using RTA

  • Next time i won't retime any run

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Pubblicato 2 years ago di

From now on cutscenes will not count in the timer I edited the autosplitter to pause in the cutscenes that's because the game sometimes lags when a cutscene appears or when you skip it so to eliminate that lag time i had to make the timer stop on cutscenes and i think nobody is gonna disagree with this

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Pubblicato 2 years ago di
  • Before doing speedruns of the pc07 version see the tutorial on how to put and configure the autosplit of the game and download the game in the resource tab of the EUR version. (For now there is no AutoSplit for the Japanese version, so focus on the EUR version).

  • It will be updated and new saves for other categories added soon.

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Update to the rules regarding twitch VoDs

So, as you may already know by now. Twitch has released probably the worst feature known to mankind (100 hours limit on VoDs). And with that me and the other mods decided to do the same. We will not be accepting any runs from twitch going forward. If you livestream your runs on twitch upload them to

10 days ago
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Pubblicato 2 years ago
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