"1 loop"?
5 years ago
Hyogo, Japan

Hey !

Just a question, I saw that there is 1 run submitted as a "1 loop". We (JkL, Einea and me) did a 3 player co op run at ESA, and we realised that 24 tracks is NOT 1 loop, since the games ends after 36 tracks.

Because of this the only 1 run (24 loops) is not valid IMO and should be moved to a seperate "misc" section or deleted in total, because the "1 loop" which not excists in the game makes no sense. No offense to the current runner ofc. I am sure he can do it again with the 12 added tracks ;)

The other question obviously is could you add the next categories? "2 player" "3 player" and "4 player"

Thank you !

Hyogo, Japan

Can there be an answer soon @Ouijawii ?

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