New Speedrun Category Idea
7 months ago

This is a question on where to ask about a new category or extension to a pervious category since I don't know where to ask.

The idea I have is for the flag of power. Normally inside of the flag of power you would get the fastest time by using plants. So if its possible, can we make the flag of power like garden and graveyard ops by having a separate category of plants and zombies?

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

A new category is not needed but the category itself can be separate between Plants and Zombies subcategories


Hello Again,

Could it be possible for this change to happen in the foreseeable future?

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New changes

Hello! Small announcement to talk about some changes around the leaderboard that happened recently.

  1. The NG+ category has been moved from the main leaderboard to this one and changed it's name to Pseudo New Game since the old name was not representing correctly it's real idea
  2. Due to a glitch
4 months ago
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Pubblicato 7 months ago
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Pubblicato 8 months ago
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