HRC and BtT
8 years ago
Michigan, USA

Is there a reason there aren't categories for Homerun Contest and Break the Targets? There are no more updates, so I can't think of a reason these categories don't exist.

Minnesota, USA
She/Her, They/Them
8 years ago

There are categories for Break the Targets; they're under Level Leaderboard. However, Sonic and Snake are strangely missing, which is actually making me pretty frustrated.

There isn't anything for Homerun Contest though, come to think of it. I'd say it should be added, but that doesn't really have anything to do with speedrunning.

Modificato da l'autore 8 years ago
tatticadanito piace questo
Alaska, USA

Are the mods even active for this game? I haven't seen anything from them in a long time.

California, USA

Submit times. If the mods are gone, we can appeal for new ones and get the categories updated from staff admins. But even if the mods do see this thread, they likely won't do anything until they see a reason to do so, and that reason would be that people are putting in times for these categories. This is the time to do it considering development is stopped and these times can be iterated on with no issue.

tatticadanito piace questo

I'm sorry everyone, I don't have time lately and I haven't been really active.

Thanks for pointing out that Snake and Sonic were missing, I dont know how I missed that.

Also, I don't see how we could add Homerun Contest to the leaderboard, it has nothing to do with "speed". If you have some suggestions please say them.

Sorry for my horrible english, I hope that you can understand what I'm trying to say.

Modificato da l'autore 8 years ago

There's already been someone who's done HRC speedruns, (although with barrier). The goal would just be to simply get to a set score i.e. 50K ft. (or 100K ft. but that'd be pretty hard to do) in the shortest amount of time. Simple enough.