Category Request Rules
1 month ago
Texas, USA
Super moderatoreEvanatorgamer
Any/All, He/Him, She/Her, They/Them, It/Its
1 month ago

1 - If you want to request a category, I require a video of a run of the category. Following the main prodigy rule set, and the rule set that you want for the category.

2- The category must have some room for optimization.

3 - The category cannot be absurdly long (6+ hours) or absurdly short (>2 minutes).

4 - Submit all category requests to the forums or the discord server.

DipsZips e jackzfiml ti piace questo
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Old and New Versions

After a large game changing update to prodigy, I am splitting the categories to New and Old version. From now on please submit runs ONLY to the new version

1 year ago
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