Why is my speedrun not verified.
6 months ago
Pomorskie, Poland
I registered the speedrun a week ago and it's still not verified. Can anyone tell me why?

mods have 3 weeks to verify it, so i'd suggest you to be patient

Zangoose e KKPOLO12345 ti piace questo

there is 11 mods, come on dude.


we have lives outside of verifying runs, sorry if it takes us a while to verify runs but we have other things to do than just sit and verify speedruns

Gavinl_l, Ful4no e 4 Altri ti piace questo

My speedrun also has a week, but, it is understandable, we all have lives, and approving each speedrun is not their priority, I understand that they take their time, if I were a moderator I would connect every 4 years xd

Czech Republic

the fastest verify of my run is 3 Days and i was very surprised.


We take our time, because chapter 4 just came out and we need to work on the leaderboard for that chapter so we are sorry if the runs in other chapters take a while to verify

Statistiche del gioco
Poppy Playtime: Chapter 1
SRC Series: Poppy Playtime Duo Challenge
Survive both Chapter 1 & 2 of Poppy Playtime
9 months ago
Ultime notizie
Poppy Playtime: Chapter 3 Leaderboards are live!!!

After working on the leaderboard for this past week we are proud to announce that the leaderboards for chapter 3 speedruns are finally here!

I wanna thank everyone for helping out during this turbulent week and being patient while we worked on setting up the leaderboards.


11 months ago
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