No Traits No Relics shade
1 year ago

The No Traits No Relics record is better than every any % run except record.. That's some serious shade. Like getting second place in the world while playing a challenge mode. Must be a disgusting feeling to the other speed runners in this category?


Any% record is 37m 13s IGT and Any% No Traits No Relics record is 38m 21s IGT. The latter is 1 min slower. Or did I misunderstand you? Unlike other games you might seen people speedruning, this one has a random world generation, random heir generation and many other random things. Thus this game will be very hard to speedrun because one will need to purely rely on a perfect RNG. Currently with a common rng it's possible to do sub 43-45 minutes IGT if you play very very well. I dislike the rng factor of that game too in terms of speedrunning. The only thing we could possibly do is to bring a seeded category, but currently there is no legal way to seed the game.

Iowa, USA

@snared As Vilks said, RNG plays a huge factor. Detra livestreams his attempts so nothing felt shady. I watched the run live. He got a Drowned Weapon, which is total RNG. But that is a bonkers drop that made the rest of the run SO much easier.

Idaho, USA

To the categories credit, since you aren't looking for relics, there is a lot of time save to be had just because you don't need to do as much exploration. Both categories have their place the game just hasn't been pushed by too much competition yet. Give the community enough time and its very likely that we will see a larger gap between the two times. In my opinion with current strats, the relicless traitless category is about as far as it can go as the generation of the kingdom as well as the overall gameplay was pretty solid. However there is much more in terms of strategy and rng in regular any% since you have more options on when to swap out heirs and how strong you could possilby be on any one heir.

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