1 year ago
Reno, NV, USA

Starting today there is a week long compition based off the trackmania compition kacky where everyone will submit the hardest tracks they can build, You must be able to beat your own track The judges are @ItsMoji @GoZ3r and @queenbea You can submit your tracks on the discord or the new main catagory that I’m adding. Have fun

Modificato da l'autore 1 year ago
California, USA

Just drive Track 7 Backwards

Reno, NV, USA

It has to be your own track

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Ultime notizie
Polytrack Beta 0.4.0 is here!

Hello everyone! The 0.4.0 beta is finally here, and you can help test it in preparation for the final release here:

Note that the server for the beta might be unstable or not always be running. Bugs can be reported in the disc

2 months ago
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