Any% Glitchless - Fast Mash Manip
Any% Glitchless - Fast Mash Manip
Aggiornato 4 years ago di Raagentreg

These are still preliminary findings, however they could be very useful.

The idea behind Fast Mash Manip is simple, instead of doing the normal Scyther Mail Manip, you say that either 1) I don't need Scyther or 2) I would still like Scyther, but it's not necessary. You can also get Electabuzzes out of these manips, a consideration if you want those for the Water Club.

The execution is very simple, instead of waiting on the title screen as you would for Scyther, you instead mash as fast as you can through all the title screen and into the mailbox, open pack 1, and check to see what Rare + Uncommons in that specific order are shown. Then you open the packs in the order listed, if you see exit, then that means go out of the mailbox screen to see the overworld in the background, then jump back in. The reasoning is to advance your RNG enough to maybe snag another good rare afterwards. The cards noted afterwards are the notable cards that you are getting for that chain.

Hitmonchan - Nidorino, Raticate, Kadabra - 1, 3, 4, exit, 6 - Scyther, Pkmn Trader Wigglytuff - Full Heal, Raticate, Nidorino - 1, 6, exit, 3 - Dugtrio Pinsir - Raticate, Kadabra, Growlithe - 1, 3, 6 - Dugtrio, Scyther, PP Kangaskhan - Full Heal, Nidorino, Magmar - 1, 4, 3, 6 - Scyther, CS, PP Hitmonchan - Raticate, Nidorino, Revive - 1, 6, 3 - CS Item Finder - Nidorino, Magikarp, Raticate - 1, 6, exit, 3 - IF, Scyther Wigglytuff - Nidorino, Revive, Seaking - 1, 6, exit, 3 - Dugtrio Scyther - Magikarp, Defender, Kadabra - 1, exit, 3,6 - Scyther Scyther - Revive, Kadabra, Raticate - 1, 6, exit, 3 - Scyther, Dugtrio Gyarados - Defender, Kadabra, Raticate - 1, 3, exit, 6 - Dugtrio Item Finder - Seaking, Raticate, Arcanine - 1, 4, 3, 6 - IF, Dugtrio Kangaskhan - Magikarp, Defender, Seel - 1, 4, 3, 6 - Scyther, CS Hitmonchan - Revive, Seaking, Nidorino - 1, 3, 4, 6 - IF, Dugtrio Hitmonchan - Defender, Kadabra, Arcanine - 1, 6, exit, 3 - Dugtrio Item Finder - Seaking, Nidorino, Kadabra - 1, 3, exit, 6 - IF, Dugtrio Comp Search - Kadabra, Arcanine, Nidorino - 1, 3, exit, 6 - CS, Scyther Electabuzz - Nidorino, Kadabra, Raticate - 1, 3, 6 - IF, Electabuzz, Electabuzz Dugtrio - Seaking, Arcanine, Nidorino - 1, 3, 6 - IF, Dugtrio Scyther - Kadabra, Raticate, Charmeleon - 1, 4, 3, 6 - IF, Scyther, Scyther, Pkmn Trader Electabuzz - Arcanine, Seel, Nidorino - 1, exit, 3, 6 - Electabuzz Dugtrio - Raticate, Nidorino, Kadabra - 1, 6, exit, 3 - Dugtrio, Scyther, PP Gyarados - Charmeleon, Nidorino, Raticate - 1, 3, 6, exit - Scyther, CS, PP Wigglytuff - Nidorino, Kadabra, Arcanine - 1, 4, 3, 6 - CS, Scyther Gyarados - Nidorino, Raticate, Defender - 1, exit, 3, 6 - :( Scyther - Raticate, Arcanine, Kadabra - 1, 6, 3 - Scyther, Scyther, PP Pinsir - Kadabra, Raticate, Arcanine - 1, 4, 3, 6 - Scyther Kangaskhan - Nidorino, Kadabra, Seel - 1, 6, 3 - CS, Dewgong, Dewgong Dugtrio - Raticate, Arcanine, Nidorino - 1, 3, exit, 6 - CS, Dugtrio

Abbreviations: CS Computer Search PP Pluspower IF Item Finder

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