Spider is just mad cuz he is a little virgin loser
1 year ago
Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

He is just mad cuz he is... gay, virgin, he looks like ms. White talking like..."I DONT WANNA GET MONKEYPOT VIRUS" also he is bald, he is Cancer Cal, he is superduper dramatic as fuck, he is a little V.I.R.G.I.N, and fuck it if ur spider who readin this, u founded a stupid device called "iSuck" and said its name infront of public, so they posted it on TikTok like: "virgin kid admits he sucks", so it got 6billion views, so u got depressive and ur mom called the cops on them cuz shes a little bitch.



FlameFXtreme, Elims e 4 Altri ti piace questo
United Kingdom

Spider leaving community will be like world peace

Georgia, USA


worstcityplayer, Danny_hi e 2 Altri ti piace questo

Report incoming.

worstcityplayer, Elims e 4 Altri ti piace questo
United States


worstcityplayer, Danny_hi e 3 Altri ti piace questo
California, USA

Bro spent a solid 10 minutes on this just to break speedrun.com tos

Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

And she cheated on ur dad with the whole population of the whole fuckin world, cuz he got drunk and told u on the discord call: "JUST QUIT AND SUCK MY DICK, LIL SHIT", oh in fact, he forgot he has a big fat vagina instead of his tiny dick, seriously, it is so small that more than 10000 of it could perfectly fit through a wedding ring.

Georgia, USA

Once again ratio


I would advise you to stop.

worstcityplayer, Danny_hi e 2 Altri ti piace questo

what is this...

Danny_hi e Spidercolaisdespo ti piace questo
California, USA

And continued to spend the next hour writing that just to still get banned eventually

Danny_hi piace questo
United States

speedrunning ban% be like (spiders joke)

Danny_hi e Spidercolaisdespo ti piace questo

Idk what’s going on but this is interesting

Danny_hi e Spidercolaisdespo ti piace questo
Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

@xamZonix and @Spider ratio maybe ur missing clitoris

Danny_hi piace questo
Georgia, USA

@Definitelykadenm basically he’s mad that viper isn’t god himself

Nolixity piace questo

why does this exist

Georgia, USA

I advise you to shut up max

Nolixity piace questo

Locking this thread as its getting way too out of hand.